
قسم دروس الميدتيرم

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Management is the((process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals.))
Planning involves((analyzing current situations.))
__________ is specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals.((Planning))
WorldMart Inc. periodically reviews the goals of the company. During the process, the managers of the company analyze their current strategies as compared to their competitors' strategies, determine goals that they will pursue, and decide upon specific actions for each area of the company to take in pursuit of these goals. With these actions, the managers are engaged in the management function of((planning.))
A large company recently embarked on an effort to increase coordination and cooperation within the company. During the process, the managers of the organization reviewed and specified job responsibilities, grouped jobs into work units, and reallocated resources within the company. The managers were exercising the management function of((organizing))
__________ is assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals.((organizing))
Brian is a general manager for a tool-manufacturing firm. He is considering some changes to the production floor, which include layout adjustments and the purchase of new equipment to improve efficiency. He also wants to promote one of his employees to team leader. Which function of management is Brian performing?((organizing))
Building a dynamic organization is the goal of which function of management?((organizing))
Mike focuses on assembling and coordinating the people, equipment, and supplies that his company needs to achieve its goals. What management function does Mike emphasize in his work?((organizing))
What will be the result when managers use new forms of organizing?((They will build organizations that are flexible and adaptive. ))
Natasha is very good at inspiring the people in her department to learn new skills and to perform better than expected on the job. As a manager, what is Natasha especially good at doing?((leading))
As one of the key management functions, leading focuses on a manager's efforts to((mobilize people to contribute their ideas.))
__________ is a manager's ability to stimulate people to be high performers.((Leading))
Yolanta manages a team of six professionals in a health care company. Her subordinates have a wide variety of experiences and skill sets. By effectively __________ her team, Yolanta regularly seeks to inspire her subordinates to draw upon their various backgrounds in new and innovative ways.((leading))
When Kabir, the marketing manager of SideStreet Inc., realized that his plan to increase sales levels was not producing the results he desired, he took quick action to make necessary adjustments. According to this scenario, Kabir was exercising the management function of((controlling))
__________ involves monitoring performance and making necessary changes.((Controlling))
When Martin, manager of his company’s sales department, realized that his plan to increase his department’s sales levels was not producing the desired results, he instituted a training course to help the salespeople achieve better results. Which management function is illustrated in this scenario?((controlling))
Through careful monitoring of the financial budget of a firm, managers can detect potential problems in reaching their financial goals and take actions to reverse the problem. This is an example of the management function of((controlling))
When PG&E created a wildfire safety plan after devastating fires in California, it was demonstrating the management function of((controlling))
Sanga is a middle-level manager who is known for his efficiency; however, he is not necessarily effective. But, Rachelle, another middle-level manager, is known for her effectiveness, rather than her efficiency. Therefore, Rachelle is more likely to((achieve organizational goals.))
Fashion Forward wants to be the sales leader in women's fashion. To achieve this goal, the CEO has analyzed the current situation and determined objectives and resources. What planning activities still need to be completed?((anticipate the future, decide on activities, and choose a business strategy))
__________ is coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources in a company.((organizing))
Leading involves ((stimulating people to be high performers.))
Controlling helps a manager to((monitor performance and implement necessary changes.))
To become an effective manager, one should choose __________ of the four management functions and commit one hundred percent.((all))
Which statement best describes the management function of controlling?((Managers make sure the organization's resources are being used as planned and that the organization is meeting its goals for quality and safety.))
Leading involves((mobilizing and inspiring people to engage fully in their work and contribute their ideas.))
The CEO said, "Every six months or so, my senior management team and I meet to discuss the goals that will be achieved over the next year, three years, and beyond. We then make sure we are clear on who will take responsibility to see that appropriate actions are undertaken to achieve our goals within the time frame we set." The CEO is describing the management function of((planning.))
Recently, I spent a great deal of time looking at how to define jobs to most efficiently utilize the employees in those jobs, said the CEO of Baker Products. "And now I need managers to be responsible for the various job groupings." The CEO is describing the management function of((organizing.))
As CEO, I maintain a big-picture view of how we are performing as a company, determining what changes we need to make if we begin deviating from our plans, and ensuring we meet our goals for quality and safety. The CEO is describing the management function of((controlling.))
As CEO, I must mobilize, inspire, and stimulate my management team, as well as the entire staff, to continually perform at high levels. I seek to empower my staff through communication and motivation. The CEO is describing the management function of((leading.))
Labyrinth is a new, very successful, brand of organic clothing recently introduced globally. The company is unique in the way it has collaborated with its suppliers and potential customers to bring the clothing to market. Labyrinth's founders have always focused on efficiency. What is the best advice you should give them, given the quick success they have had with Labyrinth?((To continue their success, they should maintain a clear focus on both effectiveness and efficiency, especially while their company is experiencing such a high growth in sales.))
__________ managers are senior executives responsible for the overall management and effectiveness of an organization.((Strategic))
A company’s CEO and Director of Human Resources are concerned that their company will not survive the current recession. As experienced __________ managers, they are working collaboratively to develop new business strategies and work processes to effectively and efficiently support the company so that it can survive the current economic downturn and thrive in the coming years. Their employees are depending upon them to provide overall management of the company.((top-level))
The four levels of managers found in large organizations are((top-level, middle-level, frontline, and team leader.))
Top-level managers focus on ((the long-term survival of an organization.))
__________ managers are typically concerned with the interaction between an organization and its external environment. ((Top-level))
Chief executive officer, president, chief operating officer, and vice president are all titles typical of __________ management.((top-level))
__________ managers are responsible for translating the general goals and plans developed for an organization into more specific activities.((Tactical))
Middle-level managers are often referred to as __________ managers.((tactical))
As a manager, Jason spends much of his time coaching his employees and making sure that any required information from upper management reaches them in an understandable format. Jason would best be described as a(n)((tactical manager.))
__________ managers are lower-level managers who supervise the operational activities of an organization.((Frontline))
Operational managers play a crucial role in an organization because they((provide the link between management and nonmanagement personnel.))
One of Yani's primary activities in his career as a supervisor at Front yard Bird Food is working with his middle manager, Delilah, to introduce new growth opportunities in the business (such as expanding into exotic bird foods) and to help the people who actually manufacture the food. Yani is most likely a(n)((frontline manager.))
Titles such as sales manager or supervisor typically belong to __________ managers.((operational))
In smaller entrepreneurial firms and even in more adaptive larger firms, managers((have strategic, tactical, and operational responsibilities.))
Being a(n) __________ is one of the roles of a manager that involves searching for new business opportunities and initiating new projects to create change.((entrepreneur))
In a major announcement at an annual medical conference, Dr. Harold Weinter, Research Director of Assop Pharmaceuticals, informs the medical community of a breakthrough in the treatment of diabetes. As __________ for his organization, he answers questions posed to him by his medical research colleagues and members of the press.((spokesperson))
Audrey is the lead attorney representing RockWork, Inc. and she is in back-and-forth discussions with parties, inside as well as outside the firm, to finalize a contract with Murphy Realty. Audrey knows that, in her role as __________, she is making important business decisions for RockWork.((negotiator))
Jeffrey’s role as __________ entails creating a presentation to give to his management team that will communicate the company's new business objectives, and more importantly, how Jeffrey has interpreted them to apply to his business unit.((disseminator))
The president of Key Pharma, acting as the corporation's __________, attended the opening of a customer's new office complex.((figurehead))
When a customer service manager works to defuse a situation with an irate customer, he or she is assuming a __________ role.((disturbance handler))
A project manager determines the number of employees to be assigned to a certain project. The managerial role being implemented by this project manager is ((resource allocator.))
Maintaining a network of outside contacts and alliances that provide information and favors defines a __________ managerial role.((liaison))
The need for interpersonal and communication skills((is important at every level of management.))
A __________ serves as the spokesperson and champion for a work group dealing with external stakeholders.((team leader))
I'm sorry to tell you that four employees from our division were laid off today, said Bill Harrington, division manager, to his assembled staff. "And a total of 25 employees were laid off corporate-wide. No further staff reductions are planned, and we expect the corporation's financial performance to remain on plan." When the manager notifies his employees of these developments and plans, he is performing in the role of((spokesperson.))
Quick, Mr. Delaney, Margaret is in the lobby, shouting at a customer! said George. Rushing to intervene, Paul Delaney demanded that Margaret return to her office immediately. "Mr. Crenshaw, I'm very sorry. Please, allow me to escort you to our executive suite, and I will straighten this out," said Mr. Delaney. Mr. Delaney was performing in the role of((disturbance handler.))
I must attend the fundraiser, said Maura O’Brien, Senior Vice President of Marketing. "One of our key clients is sponsoring the event for a worthy cause, and our firm should be represented by a senior member of our management team." When Maura performs symbolic duties on behalf of her organization, she is performing in the role of((figurehead.))
Julia mused to herself, "It has taken over 30 years, but I've finally been named CEO of a major firm. Now, I can concentrate on what I really want to do as a(n) __________ manager, to focus on the survival, growth, and overall effectiveness of our firm."((strategic))
A(n) __________ skill is the ability to perform a specialized task that involves a certain method or process. ((technical))
__________ represent the three general categories of skills that are crucial to managers.((Technical, interpersonal and communication, and conceptual and decision))
Using a particular software program at an expert level, compilation of an accounting statement, and writing advertising copy are all examples of __________ skills.((technical ))
Rashid started out as a front office worker, and over the years worked his way up to the CEO position. As such, Rashid likely found that as he moved up in responsibility, he required a higher level of __________ skills.((conceptual and decision ))
The senior managers at a printing company recognized a lack of employee enthusiasm about the new website. There was a fair amount of infighting and accusations of who was responsible for the layout, given that the firm is considered to be highly competent in design and production. Marley, a manager, got the team together and engaged them in a lively discussion to determine how to change the website so that it reflected more of the company’s unique design ability. As the meeting wound down, each team member volunteered to take on a part of the project to fix the site. The ability to identify this problem and resolve it is an effective use of __________ skills.((conceptual and decision ))
Listening to employee suggestions, gaining support for organizational objectives, and fostering an atmosphere of teamwork are all considered __________ skills.((interpersonal and communication))
Which statement exemplifies the importance of managerial skills?((Interpersonal skills are important throughout a manager's career, at every level of management.))
__________ is the skills of understanding oneself, managing oneself, and dealing effectively with others.((Emotional intelligence))
Pete has built up a wide network of contacts, clients, and local business neighbors since moving to Chicago five years ago. Throughout his home-based marketing career, he has regularly and frequently networked with these business associates online, by phone, and in person. As he considers leaving his marketing career to become an owner/manager of a local business, he will rely upon the __________ that he has developed with these individuals to ensure a successful transition to a new career.((social capital))
One component of emotional intelligence is((making good decisions. ))
__________ is among the necessary skills of emotional intelligence.((Showing empathy))
Which person illustrates a manager with emotional intelligence?((Stephen can exercise self-control.))
A new boss from outside the industry won't be able to train us to perform specialized tasks involving our particular methods and processes, or to evaluate how well we were performing these tasks. In other words, would she have the necessary __________? asked Muffy.((technical skills))
__________ is one of the key elements that makes the current business landscape different from those of the past.((Technological change))
Which statement about globalization is true?((It occurs through cross-border partnerships.))
Which statement about the Internet is true?((The Internet is a virtual marketplace and speeds up globalization.))
__________ is the goodwill stemming from social relationships.((Social capital))
__________ is the set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization's intellectual resources, fully utilizing the intellects of the organization's people.((Knowledge management ))
Hannah excels at identifying the talents of employees and finding the jobs where they can best use those talents to benefit the organization. Hannah excels at __________ management.((knowledge))
Which statement about collaboration is true?((Collaboration supports knowledge management and vice versa.))
Technology both complicates things and creates new opportunities. The challenges come from((the rapid rate at which technology changes. ))
As the success of modern business so often depends on the knowledge used for innovation and the delivery of services, organizations need to manage that((knowledge.))
Collaboration can occur((with customers.))
Creating outstanding products and services can start with involving __________ in company decisions.((customers ))
Harry is surprised one day to learn that the parts that he has ordered from a small local supplier are delayed. He immediately calls his supplier, and the supplier admits that his shop is overbooked with orders, not only from Harry's business but also from new customers in China. As Harry realizes that his small U.S.-based business is competing for shop space with companies in China, he faces the management challenge involved with((globalization. ))
__________ is the introduction of new goods and services.((Innovation))
Service refers to the((speed and dependability with which an organization delivers what customers want.))
Which statement about quality is true?((Quality can be measured in terms of product performance, customer service, and reliability.))
Lucy has a sandwich shop in Seattle. One thing that attracts busy people to her shop is that she has perfected a way to make sandwiches in half the time her competitors take. Which fundamental driver of success has Lucy emphasized?((speed))
Cost competitiveness means that one((prices his or her products or services at a level attractive to consumers.))
Tyrone, manager at Engineering Systems, Inc. (ESI), is struggling to maintain a competitive advantage in ESI's marketplace. He wants to hire and retain the best staff that he can, but the best staff command high salaries. Tyrone knows that high staff salaries can erode his company's profitability. But passing along these higher costs to his clients means they will start doing less business with higher-priced ESI and more business with Tyrone’s lower-priced competitors. Tyrone is struggling to ((be cost competitive.))
Which statement about the sources of competitive advantage is true?((The best managers and companies deliver all six competitive advantages.))
Amazon is not necessarily known for its development of new products. However, Amazon has transformed the way that products are purchased and delivered. Thus, Amazon has leapfrogged its competition through its((innovation.))
Because products __________, a firm must adapt to new competitors and to consumer demands.((do not sell forever))
Stacy manages a specialized environmental consulting practice. Client feedback obtained in the past 12 months indicates that her business is on the decline. Stacy decides to implement various changes within her practice to improve service quality. One of the key elements of these changes will be to refocus her staff on((making it easy and enjoyable for clients to experience a service. ))
Cost competitiveness means pricing a firm's products((low but enough to make a profit.))
Latosha’s department has been introducing new goods and services on a rapid-fire basis over the past two years. However, business is down, largely because customer feedback on the usefulness, reliability, and durability of the new goods and services is negative. Latosha’s division manager, Viceroy, reviews the situation and concludes that the innovation of Latosha’s department is good; however, __________ is poor.((quality))
Jonas Wilkins, Vice President of Production, said, "Alice, my employees have been manufacturing the same products for two years without a new product being introduced. Products don't sell forever, especially since globalization and technological advances have accelerated the pace of change. I'm concerned that, without __________, we will wither and die as an organization."((innovation))
Safety Standards is updating its automated contracting/ordering system. Max Truesdale, CEO of Defense Supply Corporation, told his chief information officer, "Travis, you must lead an effort to reengineer our computer infrastructure to remain compatible with that of Safety Standards. This will be a complex effort but, if we can get this done before our competitors can, we will pick up a lot of new business worldwide. That's the nature of __________, it complicates things and creates opportunities."((technological change))
The unique ideas and products that Leverage Group has patented provide a significant advantage to its business because none of its competitors are able to offer them. Because Leverage’s CEO recognizes the __________, he has authorized development of practices to discover and harness his organization's intellectual resources.((importance of knowledge management))
During an intense six-month contract negotiation, Carlisle developed a strong working relationship with his client, Bart, an outside vendor. Because of their professional bonding, Carlisle and Bart were able to openly explore and constructively hammer out agreements on very tough contract issues. The resulting contract was far superior to what either of them might have hoped for six months earlier and was a good example of((collaboration across organizational boundaries.))
Mary Smith, Vice President of Human Resources, is finding that competition for human talent is becoming fiercer. She has implemented creative solutions to leverage diversity of the labor force to the benefit of her organization. For example, Mary has found that __________ allows her to supplement her available staff, particularly during times of work overload.((hiring older workers on a part-time basis))
The best managers prioritize efficiency over effectiveness.((FALSE))
The four fundamental management principles include analyzing current situations, determining objectives, choosing business strategies, and determining the resources needed to achieve the organization's goals.((FALSE))
Maura has weekly meetings with her managers to discuss their work and to share ideas for improvement. Maura exhibits the leading function of management.((TURE))
Successful managers do not need to utilize all four functions of management, just the ones relevant to their business.((FALSE))
Top-level managers are also called tactical managers because they must translate general goals into specific objectives and activities.((FALSE))
A team leader's job is less challenging than frontline and other types of managers' jobs because team leaders always have direct control over team members.((FALSE))
Lower-level managers who possess technical skills tend to earn less credibility from their subordinates than comparable managers without technical know-how.((FALSE))
One of the five key elements that make the current business environment different from those of the past involves an increasingly diverse workforce.((TURE))
Social capital is the goodwill you gain from your social relationships.((TURE))
Creativity is defined as the introduction of new goods and services.((FALSE))
__________ is/are composed of all relevant forces outside a firm's boundaries, such as competitors, customers, the government, and the economy.((The external environment))
Advances in genetic engineering are expected to produce some food products that will become available all year round even in continental climates. These changes will provide grocers with an opportunity to reduce their shipping costs while offering fresher produce to their customers. These advances are examples of changes in the __________ environment.((technological))
A clothing importer/exporter in England is worried that the British exit from the EU (Brexit) will result in new tariffs applied to clothing unless a trade agreement with the EU is reached. Which component of the macroenvironment concerns this company?((economic))
When considering workforce demographics, hiring managers must remember that the fastest-growing age group will be workers who are((75 years old and older))
When Johnson & Johnson created reservable lactation rooms for employees so that mothers could work quietly and nurse privately, it was addressing which element of the macroenvironment?((social))
__________ is the immediate environment surrounding a firm, including suppliers, customers, rivals, and the like.((Competitive environment))
Netflix, Amazon, and Disney+ have emerged as serious and successful content providers, attracting viewers away from traditional networks such as ABC, CBS, and NBC. The success of these nontraditional providers demonstrates the power in the competitive environment held by new competitors, or new entrants to the marketplace. To effectively compete with these new entrants, executives at traditional networks will take advantage of barriers to entry, such as((distribution channels.))
Jocko, a new manager at Super Sandwiches, has been asked to focus on the competitive environment of the organization. Which factor is among those that Jocko should focus on?((suppliers))
A popular low-cost airline, Savor Airways, has gone out of business. Although the service and price provided by the airline was what customers wanted, the larger airlines were able to drive the low-cost airline out of business through an aggressive price war. Which component of the competitive environment does this illustrate?((competitors))
__________ occurs when weaker companies are eliminated, and the strong companies survive.((Industry shakeout))
__________ are conditions that prevent new companies from establishing themselves in an industry.((Barriers to entry))
__________ is/are a common barrier to entry.((Distribution channels ))
Juan Carlo owns a janitorial service company. Over the past five years, the bulk of his business, about 80 percent, has derived from a long-term service contract with the federal government. He learned today that his company will not be awarded an extension of the contract, and thus his company's work for the government client must cease within 30 days. The very negative impact of this decision on Juan Carlo’s company is a reminder that((an organization is at a disadvantage if it depends too heavily upon powerful customers.))
Hospitals and universities are very expensive to start and keep running because of the capital and equipment required. The personnel requirements, such as specialized medical doctors and researchers, are also high. This demonstrates((barriers to entry.))
Carrell Foods is a major supplier to many grocery store chains. It has most of the valuable shelf space in the cereal aisle. What is true based on this information?((The threat of new entrants is low.))
The main difference between final consumers and intermediate consumers is that final consumers((use products themselves.))
Caralee presented to her boss the possibility of building a new manufacturing plant to serve a new, hot market. Her boss replied, "Caralee, I can't support that. Three multinational firms, who are world-class in terms of global reach, influence, stability, and financial depth, will be competing for that market. Not only would we be a new entrant to the playing field, the barriers to entry are just too high for us. We are small and financial resource-limited, so we would be challenged to meet the market's __________ requirements."((capital))
The manager of operations at Beta Industries, has decided to change careers. For years, the company has been a market leader in manufacturing DVD players, but sales—and the manager’s advancement opportunities—have been declining for years. He told his wife, "Recent __________ have allowed smartphones and streaming to emerge as substitutes for DVD players. That's reality, and I need to face it."((barriers to entry))
Waldo, a regional sales manager, was asked to analyze whether his company should launch a marketing effort to become Fancy Foods' produce supplier this year. He found that Fresh Green Veggies currently has a supply contract with Fancy Foods that has three more years in its term; Fancy Foods would have to pay Fresh Green a half million dollars to break the contract. Also, Fresh Green has installed automated ordering/billing software in Fancy Food’s home office; Fancy Foods would have to spend $100,000 to replace it and retrain its staff. He concluded that Fancy Foods' __________ costs would be too high to seriously consider a change in supplier, thereby recommending that a marketing effort not be launched this year.((switching))
Jasper Products is the only provider of a patented leakproof valve for industrial applications. Arnold Construction wants to include Jasper Products in a project for Arnold’s customer, thereby increasing the chance that Arnold will be selected to perform the project. However, Jasper Products charges a premium price for its valves, eroding Arnold’s profitability. This situation is indicative of the high bargaining power of((suppliers.))
Associated Bank Corp. utilizes the janitorial services of Clean-It Corp. to keep its buildings clean. Clean-It Corp. provides all the necessary cleaning supplies, training, background security checks, and all other associated expenses. The other available janitorial services do not typically provide security checks, and a client such as a bank would have to hire guards to watch the work of the janitors. If Associated Bank were to consider hiring another cleaning service to replace Clean-It Corp., the bank would most likely incur((high switching costs.))
Josiah is the marketing manager in a firm that sells air pollution control systems to the coal-fired power industry. His business is highly competitive, with existing rivalries and new players. Coal-fired power plants are being shut down in favor of substitute forms of energy, e.g., wind and natural gas. Thus, new project opportunities in coal-fired power plants are rare. His clients (electric utility companies) have many choices of providers and technologies. Josiah's firm has long-term pricing agreements with its equipment suppliers, so Josiah knows what external costs his firm will incur on potential new projects. The competitive force that appears to represent the lowest risk to Josiah's firm is((power of suppliers.))
Your company has asked you to launch a new product campaign at a trade show. You have found that there are established competitors with many advantages, making it difficult to break into the market. However, you recommend displacing these competitors' business by((offering promotions and price breaks, intensive selling, and other tactics.))
Last month, I opened a résumé-writing business out of my dorm room. And, now, on this floor alone, I find that I have three start-up competitors! complained Aurora. Her roommate replied, "Well, at least you haven't had to buy any new equipment for your business. But apparently neither have your competitors." This scenario indicates the((high threat of new entrants when capital requirements are low.))
Competition is most intense when there are __________ direct competitors, industry growth is slow, and the product or service cannot be differentiated.((many))
__________ is/are a major barrier to entry.((Brand identification))
A complement is a potential __________ because customers use it as an alternative, buying less of one kind of product but more of another.((opportunity))
If buyers change suppliers, they are faced with((switching costs. ))
A __________ is an intermediate consumer.((retailer))
Identify the environmental factor that contributes to an attractive environment for existing firms.((many barriers to entry ))
Identify the environmental factor that is a characteristic of an attractive environment for a business.((low customer bargaining power ))
Dennis, a senior manager at VPR Corporation, is considering the acquisition of a revolutionary water treatment technology from a small development firm. The asking price is $5 million. However, the environmental uncertainty of the water treatment marketplace is both complex and dynamic. Dennis wants to acquire the new technology but seeks to manage the risk associated with his decision, or "hedge his bets." Key ways to cope with the uncertainty would be to((gain competitive intelligence through environmental scanning, develop business scenarios, forecast sales, and benchmark the technology.))
Sanjay, a long-term and successful sales professional for DiscDrives Inc., has gained a vast degree of competitive intelligence in his 25 years with DiscDrives. He walked into his manager's office and said, "Daniel, for family reasons, I need to move out of state. Therefore, I've accepted a position with a competitor. I'm submitting my two weeks' notice. This isn't personal; you've been a great friend." Daniel replied, "Sanjay, I'm sorry to hear this. I will truly miss you and your contributions. However, your two weeks' notice will not be required. I will walk with you to human resources right now to process your resignation, and then we will escort you to the door." Daniel’s rather terse response was intended to quickly remove Sanjay from DiscDrives’ premises. Why?((Daniel wants to ensure that a soon-to-be competitor will not have ongoing access to DiscDrives’ competitive intelligence and staff through Sanjay.))
A division manager for Rinte Corporation told his subordinate, "Samantha, because this is your first year of budget planning for your department, I need you to __________, defining a best-case, a worst-case, and a plausible-case business, or middle-ground business, outlook. The plausible-case business outlook will be what you will use for budget planning."((produce different scenarios))
Because his firm's product market share has declined in the past 12 months, the sales manager for AtoZ Group instructed his marketing professional to perform a benchmarking analysis. What would you instruct the marketing professional do for this analysis?((identify competitors' best processes and compare with RLC's processes))
__________ refers to searching for information that is not immediately evident and sorting through that information to interpret what is important.((Environmental scanning))
In an attempt to improve customer service, Terrific Toys decided to assign a team to investigate the kinds of services offered by competing companies. The team discovered that a smaller company, GV Games Corp., seemed to have outstanding customer service. The team then determined the major differences between the two companies and developed a plan to incorporate the best elements of GV Games into Terrific Toys. What tool is being implemented by Terrific Toys?((benchmarking))
__________ is the number of issues to which a manager must attend and the degree to which they are interconnected.((Complexity))
__________ is the degree of discontinuous change that occurs within the industry.((Dynamism))
What method is used to predict exactly how some variable or variables will change in the future?((forecasting))
__________ includes searching for and sorting through information about the environment.((Environmental scanning ))
Forecasts are most useful when the __________ will look radically different from the __________.((future; past))
Antonia Sorez is the CEO of a nationwide computer purchasing and repair chain. Observing that the number of computer technology stores in the Northeast is so great that prices and margins have been driven downward, she has decided not to open any more outlets in that region. In the context of the competitive environment, this fact is an indication of the((high bargaining power of customers.))
__________ is the information necessary to decide how to best manage the competitive environment.((Competitive intelligence))
You have been asked to report on the competitive environment in the restaurant industry; therefore, you develop the __________ necessary to decide how to manage in the given environment.((competitive intelligence))
Cho, a financial analyst at a small food-processing company, was asked by the CFO to forecast the costs of the company's required raw materials over the next five years. You would advise her to collect data carefully,((use simple forecast models, and make multiple forecasts to get an average. ))
__________ is the process of sharing authority with employees to enhance their confidence in their ability to perform their jobs and contribute to an organization.((Empowerment ))
In __________, supplies of excess resources are created in case of unpredictable needs.((buffering))
Suri owns a small gift shop in Chicago. She hopes the economy will rebound this fall as she has to order her Christmas merchandise and other holiday gifts in February. She wants to make sure she has enough goods for the surge in sales that the holiday season usually brings to her retail store, so she orders more than the previous year. Here, Suri is using __________ to be sure she has enough gifts for those extra customers that she hopes will bear the economic woes and shop for holiday presents.((buffering))
The use of contingent workers in the U.S. labor force due to unpredictable labor demand is an illustration of((buffering))
When America’s Fruit Juice Company acts on its own to promote the fruit juice industry as a whole, the company is practicing((competitive pacification.))
When Vermont Syrups advertises its syrup products as better and healthier than the syrup products of Maple Goodness, Vermont Syrups is demonstrating((competitive aggression. ))
__________ is leveling normal fluctuations of demand at the boundaries of an environment, such as when clothing stores put their coats on sale in late winter.((Smoothing))
__________ are methods for adapting the technical core of a company’s products to changes in an environment.((Flexible processes))
__________ are approaches used by an organization that acts on its own to influence stakeholders or change some aspect of its current environment.((Independent strategies))
A university is struggling financially, and has just formed a board of trustees and invited 25 of its wealthiest alumni to join the board. What process is being adopted by the university?((cooptation))
Todd Hospital Systems and Gary Medicines Corp. have joined forces to fight for health care reform. The two companies((are creating a coalition.))
Domain selection, diversification, mergers or acquisitions, and divestitures are all examples of((strategic maneuvering.))
Country Farms Corp. announced that it was selling off its dairy division in order to realign itself more competitively in the marketing of its other products. This is an example of managing the task environment through((divestiture.))
Antonio owns a local men's clothing store. In the face of increasing competition, Antonio has tried several tactics: aggressively promoting price-slashing sales to drive his competitors' customers to his doors; attempting to cut costs by leveling out sales and inventory through seasonal sales; and lining up contracts with wholesalers in advance of seasonal rushes (e.g., summer swimwear) to prevent inventory depletion. None of these tactics has been successful. Now, Antonio is considering a deviation from his current business to one that might be more suitable, perhaps a formal wear/tuxedo rental and retail shop or a boutique Western wear store. Swen is using __________ as his final tactic to save his business.((domain selection))
__________ is an organization's conscious efforts to change the boundaries of its competitive environment.((Strategic maneuvering))
__________ occurs when a company sells one or more businesses.((Divestiture))
__________ are companies that stay within a limited, stable product domain as a strategic maneuver.((Defenders))
When sales of its personal computers started to level off, Apple Computer added music players and cellular phones to its product line. In terms of strategic maneuvering, what type of company is Apple?((Prospector))
__________ is independent action to improve relations with competitors.((Competitive pacification))
__________ refers to absorbing new elements into an organization's leadership structure to avert threats to its stability or existence.((Cooptation))
Barley owns and operates a food truck in a large city. Competitors are many, and competition is fierce. Due to her small business's size, she cannot realistically influence her business environment. However, Barley could take steps to adapt to the uncertain environment by buffering, including((hiring part-time help and maintaining extra inventory for peak periods.))
A large national restaurant chain was moving into a new community and looking for ways to promote itself. It decided to sponsor a local Little League team, give out free samples during the games, and purchase the team’s uniforms with the company logo on them. Which action is the company using to influence its environment?((public relations))
__________ is leveling normal fluctuations at the boundaries of the environment.((Smoothing))
During the holiday season, Dora’s Department Store works with a contracted employment agency to bring extra workers on board to handle overflow business, and extra duties such as wrapping presents. Dora’s is using __________ during these rush times.((buffering))
A company uses __________ when it acts on its own to change some aspect of its current environment.((independent strategies))
For many years, Mars, Incorporated manufactured M&M's candies in assorted but fixed colors. M&M's were known and branded worldwide as individual candies featuring single solid colors. Then, in response to technological advancements and evolving customer tastes and expectations, Mars adapted its technical core by producing M&M's in an infinite variety of configurations and colors, even offering M&M's with personal photographs imprinted upon them as a product of "mass customization." Mars accomplished this by implementing((flexible processes.))
A company is experiencing an increase in competition, and at the same time it is building more production facilities in Southeast Asia. In this scenario, the top management team is most likely to((give lower-level managers the authority to make decisions to benefit the firm. ))
__________ is described as exploiting a distinctive competence or improving efficiency for competitive advantage.((Competitive aggression))
A company uses __________ when it acts on its own to change some aspect of its current environment.((independent action))
__________ are the strongly held and taken-for-granted beliefs that guide behavior in a firm.((Unconscious assumptions))
An organization's __________ refers to all relevant forces inside a firm's boundaries, such as its managers, employees, resources, and organizational culture.((internal environment))
The five-by-eight inch card with one rule on it—Use good judgment in all situations—that employees at Omniplex Corporation receive along with the employee handbook tells the employees a great deal about their company's((organization culture.))
__________ are the components of an organization that can be seen and heard, such as office layout, dress, orientation, stories, and written material.((Visible artifacts))
__________ are the first level of organizational culture.((Visible artifacts))
__________ are the underlying qualities and desirable behaviors that are important to an organization.((Values))
At the third and deepest level of organizational culture are((unconscious assumptions.))
A useful clue about an organization's culture is((found by seeing who is hired and who is fired. ))
The leadership focus on __________ is/are associated with a hierarchical culture.((control, formality, and stability))
Goeff and Trad successfully partnered as a small independent oil exploration firm for 30 years. They worked informally together like family, and they were intensely loyal toward each other, their customers, and their suppliers. However, later in their careers, Goeff and Trad sold their firm and were hired by MegaOil, Inc., a top 5 global energy conglomerate.. They quit after 3 months because they could not adapt to MegaOil's culture, which is characterized by production/achievement, results orientation, competitive advantage, and market superiority (market/compete culture). In hindsight, Goeff and Tad probably realized that they missed the((tradition, trust, teamwork, cohesiveness, and sense of family of a clan culture.))
Which organizational culture is strongly characterized by being internally oriented and flexible, and emphasizing trust, commitment, and tradition?((clan))
Which organizational culture’s objectives are productivity, planning, and efficiency?((market))
A hierarchical organizational structure values __________ and assumes that individuals will comply with the organizational mandates when roles are stated formally and enforced through rules and procedures.((stability))
The key attributes of a(n) __________ are flexibility, risk taking, and entrepreneurial.((adhocracy))
The founders of Rainy Corporate pride themselves on their commitment to a stewardship of the environment, displaying a photo montage in the lobby that displays before-and-after pictures of the site where the headquarters complex is built—from an ugly landfill into a parkland. As a reflection of the company's culture, the photo montage represents a((visible artifact.))
The Chief Operating Office at Hank Corporation, effectively sustains and manages the company culture by((crafting a vision, "walking the talk," and celebrating employees who exemplify the culture.))
Jean Paul’s French Foods founded in 1963 has grown steadily to 250 employees. Despite its size, Jean Paul’s operates as a family business with a strong clan culture. Jean Paul’s CEO, John Smythe, has just learned that the company’s long-standing and best customer, Saul's Bistro, with 15 locations in the region, is filing for bankruptcy. As a result, Jean Paul’s will immediately experience a 15 percent reduction in sales. Based upon this description, what do you advise John to do?((Ask members of the entire company to agree to cut their hours by 15 percent until business improves, avoiding any layoffs.))
Open systems are all relevant forces outside an organization's boundaries.((FALSE))
The government has very little immediate effect on business opportunities in the U.S.((FALSE))
When an industry matures, profits drop. Weaker companies are eliminated, and the strong companies survive.((TRUE))
Established companies are less threatened by new competitors when there are many barriers to entry.((TRUE))
Environmental uncertainty means that managers need to implement controls to be sure they aren’t harming the physical environment.((FALSE))
Benchmarking is the process comparing an organization's practices and technologies with those of other companies.((TRUE))
Divestiture is entering a new market or industry with existing expertise.((FALSE))
A small company that makes face masks for health care workers has decided to donate hundreds of masks to nursing homes in its area. This demonstrates the independent strategy of influencing stakeholders known as competitive pacification.((FALSE))
When Maria started her telemarketing business, she organized the space with individual cubicles for privacy; provided ergonomic chairs for all employees; and encouraged a casual, comfortable dress code. Maria was focusing on the visible artifacts of the office.((TRUE))
One recommended way to understand a company’s culture is to listen to the stories people tell about the company.((TRUE))
__________ refers to the moral principles and standards that guide the behavior of an individual or group.((Ethics))
A(n) __________ is a situation, problem, or opportunity in which an individual must choose among several actions that must be evaluated as morally right or wrong.((ethical issue))
Morgan, a member of the sales team, must choose between going along with his colleagues or informing his manager about inaccuracies on some coworkers’ expense reports. In this context, Morgan is faced with a(n)((ethical issue.))
What are the moral principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business?((business ethics))
__________ refers to the principles, rules, and values people use in deciding what is right or wrong.((The legal system))
Delores owns a small tax preparation firm. After receiving the catering bill for a recent staff event, she believes they were significantly undercharged, and notifies the catering firm to correct the error. In taking this action, Delores is relying upon((moral philosophy. ))
__________ is an ethical system which states that all people should uphold certain values that society needs to function.((Universalism))
Two basic ethical ideals underpin the Caux Principles for Business. They are((kyosei and human dignity.))
Rand confronts his supervisor when he observes new employees being intimidated into performing dangerous work without proper training. He believes all members of the organization must uphold some values for it to function well. Rand was following the __________ ethical system.((universalism))
According to the Caux Principles for Business, the ethical ideal of kyosei means((living and working together for the common good.))
The notion of __________, an ethical system, is similar to Adam Smith's concept of the invisible hand in business.((egoism))
Which statement would a proponent of egoism believe?((People should engage in the behavior that promotes the greatest good for themselves. ))
The ethical system of utilitarianism supports the idea that((seeking the greatest good for the greatest number of people should be the overriding concern of decision makers.))
In the workplace, the Chinese concept of guanxi reflects what standard governing ethical behavior?((Ethical behavior is defined based on the opinions and behaviors of associated people.))
Zari is a police officer, and usually makes decisions based on what her fellow officers would expect her to do. Her actions reflect her use of the __________ ethical system. ((relativism))
What ethical system acknowledges the existence of different ethical viewpoints?((relativism ))
Manual’s workplace requires that all employees be fully vaccinated, including annual flu shots, before they are allowed to enter company premises. They must also submit proof of first aid training. This policy is an example of which ethical system?((utilitarianism))
The virtue ethics perspective suggests that an individual’s moral judgment and ethical behavior should be based upon((a strong personal value system.))
According to Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development, people in the __________ stage make decisions based on concrete rewards and punishments and immediate self-interest.((preconventional))
According to Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development, people in the __________ stage see beyond authority, laws, and norms and follow their self-chosen ethical principles.((principled))
As the owner of a home health aide business, Grant is concerned that his employees exercise the highest levels of judgment and moral reasoning. He evaluates his staff based on both industry regulations and their ability to apply their own personal values system to their work. Grant runs his business based on which ethical value system?((virtue ethics))
In the context of universalism, kyosei and human dignity are the two basic ideals underpinning the __________ Principles for Business.((Caux))
In Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development, the very highest stage of moral development is the __________ stage.((principled))
A company believes ethical lapses within its daily operations will be brought to public attention by workers acting as whistleblowers. Thus, it does not need to establish a formal code of conduct for employees, instead relying on workers’ values to guide ethical decision making. Management of this company displays what ethical perspective?((relativism))
__________ is the ethical system wherein one seeks the greatest good for the greatest number of people.((Utilitarianism))
A tenet of __________ is that all people should uphold certain values, such as honesty, fairness and respectfulness that society needs to function.((universalism))
A tenet of __________ is that ethical behavior is based on the opinions and behaviors of associated people.((relativism))
According to Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development, people in the conventional stage conform to((expectations of ethical behavior held by groups or institutions. ))
Taylor conforms to the norms established by her religion and ensures that her behavior always meets the expectations set forth by her parents and the church. According to Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development, she resides in the __________ stage.((conventional))
Lawrence sees a forgotten package lying near the locked mailboxes inside his apartment building. He walks past it only because he’s sure there’s a secret security camera watching the lobby. According to Kohlberg's model of cognitive development, Lawrence resides in the __________ stage.((preconventional))
Andrew prefers theater to business, and dreams of becoming a performer one day. However, he decides to major in accounting because his parents expect him to join the family business right after college. According to Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development, Andrew resides in the __________ stage.((conventional))
Janelle, a scientist working in the research department of a personal care products manufacturer, is asked to overlook the ill-effects of using a new product that’s ready for launch. Janelle’s boss offers a bonus and extra vacation time in exchange for skipping a few details in the product report. Janelle refuses to do this and asks the firm to withhold the product from entering the market. According to Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development, Janelle resides in the __________ stage.((principled))
Which statement describes an ethical dilemma facing modern managers?((Nearly three-fourths of Americans say executives’ pay packages are excessive.))
What was the intended goal of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?((to establish strict accounting and reporting rules to make senior managers more accountable))
The __________ of an organization refers to the processes by which decisions are evaluated and made on the basis of right and wrong.((ethical climate))
Tiana, a graphic artist at an advertising firm, realizes that the head designer has been copying designs from the Internet and passing them off as his own. Tiana informs the marketing head about this, which leads to the designer getting fired. However, after this event, Tiana is ostracized by her coworkers. This indicates that the organization has a poor((ethical climate.))
A company regularly conducts classes in moral philosophy for its employees. In addition, it ensures that whistleblowers are protected from ostracism or mistreatment. These measures have been specifically taken to((create an ethical climate in the organization.))
Carlos reported that the industrial wastewater treatment system operated by his employer was no longer operating properly, allowing toxics-laden water to be discharged to the river. He was pleased to see the plant manager, Darnell, immediately shut down production for an indefinite period, pending repair of the wastewater treatment system. In this situation, Darnell demonstrated((willingness to take an ethical stand that may impose financial costs.))
For businesses with an international presence, maintaining a positive ethical climate is((particularly complex and challenging.))
What is a legal advantage to companies that make an effort to comply with stipulations of the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act?((The companies can reduce the consequences if an employee does break the law.))
Managers need to __________ so that employees will discuss problems in meeting goals, rather than resorting to unethical and possibly illegal behavior.((keep the lines of communication open))
In the context of business ethics, an ethical leader((influences others to also act ethically.))
In the context of business ethics, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires((that public companies disclose whether they have adopted a code of ethics.))
In the context of corporate ethics programs, ethics committees((develop policies, evaluate actions, and investigate violations))
__________ ethics programs are designed by corporate counsel to prevent legal violations.((Compliance-based))
The primary focus of compliance-based ethics programs is on((detecting and punishing legal violations.))
What strategy is used by compliance-based corporate ethics programs?((increased surveillance and controls and imposing punishments on wrongdoers))
An ethics program that is designed to instill in people a personal responsibility for ethical behavior is called a(n) __________ ethics program.((integrity-based))
A company was required by law to change its physical work environment in such a way so as to enable disabled people to function properly. Because the company followed a(n) __________ ethics program, it did not stop at just making changes that would help it stay out of trouble with the law. It went further and trained its employees to be sensitive toward disabled people.((integrity-based))
Integrity-based ethics programs in business organizations are based upon the premise that((companies and people govern themselves through a set of guiding principles that they embrace.))
In the context of ethics programs in organizations, programs tend to be better integrated into operations, thinking, and behavior when((top management has a personal commitment to responsible ethical behavior.))
A(n) __________ ethics program is designed to instill in people a personal responsibility for ethical behavior. ((integrity-based))
In the context of making ethical decisions, knowing what actions are morally defensible is referred to as moral((judgment.))
Priya is considering having to lay off Larry, because Larry’s skills no longer match the company's needs in the face of a changing marketplace. Larry is a long-time employee who organizes many office social gatherings and company-sponsored charitable events. Priya knows that letting Larry go would have a huge negative impact on the other employees and that there would likely be unintended consequences of this decision. In the context of making an ethical decision, this stage is known as moral((awareness.))
In the context of making ethical decisions, moral __________ is the strength and persistence to act in accordance with one's ethics despite the challenges.((character))
The concept of __________ holds that only a person unaware of his or her own identity can make a truly ethical decision.((the "veil of ignorance"))
A supervisor of a manufacturing facility is facing an ethical dilemma. She uses the formal process of ethical decision making to resolve the issue. Her first step will be((understanding all the moral standards.))
Anna, a senior executive, has a difficult ethical decision to make regarding one of her new clients. In evaluating her ethical duties, in addition to considering all the financial requirements, she must also((be proud of seeing this decision or action reported in the newspaper.))
In the context of the business costs of ethical failures, __________ is incurred at Level 3.((reputation cost ))
In the context of the business costs of ethical failures, Level 1 costs that are less damaging and get more executive attention are the costs of ((government fines and penalties.))
As a manager charged with making an ethical decision, moral awareness begins with((considering whether your decision has unfavorable ramifications.))
Sienna has always been praised for her moral awareness, judgment, and character at work. However, turning in her own boss, a division manager, for fraudulent behavior will be very difficult for her to do. Sienna knows that she will need to draw upon every bit of __________ that she can muster.((courage))
Some organizations have platforms that allow employees to provide anonymous feedback about the work and behavior of colleagues and seniors. The primary purpose of such methods is((protection of whistleblowers.))
The Write Stuff, Inc., a manufacturer of designer journals and notebooks, switched to using recycled paper to manufacture its products. It also changed the materials and design of its covers and binding material to eliminate non-recyclable plastics. The changes made by the Write Stuff, Inc. are an example of __________ responsibility.((corporate social))
The __________ responsibilities of business are to produce goods and services that society wants at a price that perpetuates the business and satisfies its obligations to investors.((economic ))
Corporate social responsibility refers to((fulfilling the obligation toward society assumed by businesses.))
In the context of corporate social responsibility, __________ responsibilities are to obey local, state, federal, and relevant international laws.((legal))
In the context of corporate social responsibility, __________ responsibility involves meeting other societal expectations that are not written as law.((fiscal))
Safe Earth Extermination believes in meeting societal expectations whether or not mandated by law. It uses only organic products that are environmentally friendly. Safe Earth Extermination is operating at the __________ level of the pyramid of corporate social responsibility.((ethical))
What corporate responsibility includes activities such as supporting local food pantries that society finds desirable and that the values of the business support?((philanthropic))
When a construction business regularly gives its employees paid time off to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, it is an example of its((philanthropic responsibility.))
The __________ model is a theory of corporate social responsibility that holds that managers are agents of stockowners whose primary objective is to maximize profits.((shareholder))
A major pharmaceutical company donates supplies of epinephrine auto-injectable pens, used to combat severe allergic reactions, to schools in lower-income areas of the state. The donation generates significant publicity for the firm and sales of the product continue at a profitable rate. This donation is part of the firm’s __________ responsibility.((economic ))
A transcendent education teaches students to think beyond self-interest and profitability—in fact, to((leave a legacy that extends beyond the bottom line.))
In accordance with the goals of transcendent education, __________ is described as learning how to give as well as take.((generativity))
In accordance with the goals of transcendent education, __________ is described as thinking not just in terms of "don'ts" (lie, cheat, steal, kill), but also in terms of positive contributions.((civil aspiration))
Although he has not suffered any personal injustices, Lonnie joins a protest at school that seeks to publicize unethical actions taken against nonnative students. Lonnie’s action demonstrates which goal of transcendent education?((intolerance of ineffective humanity))
Which theorist said, "The social responsibility of business is to increase profits."?((Milton Friedman))
An individual who strives to feel his or her decisions as potential victims might feel them is demonstrating((empathy. ))
The chairman of the board said to the CEO, "We must cease production of those items; they are not healthy for our customers. We must transition to new, safe product lines. I know that other firms are producing those unhealthy items, and I know that no laws prevent us or them from producing them. However, just because something is legal, doesn't mean that it is ethical. The chairman is promoting a(n) __________ ethics program.((integrity-based))
It is perfectly legal for us to accept gifts from our suppliers, as long as we don't get too greedy, and as long as we don't do anything that could get us in trouble with the law, said Charles Jebson, CEO of Starlite Manufacturing. "That's why I have instructed our corporate counsel to design mechanisms to prevent, detect, and punish legal violations." Charles is promoting a(n) __________ ethics program.((compliance-based))
The __________ area of responsibility, corresponding to doing what global stakeholders desire, is at the top of the pyramid of global corporate social responsibility and performance.((philanthropic))
Which corporate action is likely to be categorized as a philanthropic endeavor?((making a wide variety of charitable contributions to community organizations))
A reality of living in a capitalistic society is that((the creation and distribution of wealth generate by-products that can cause injury, loss, or danger to people and the environment. ))
The goal of __________ is to create sustainable economic development and improve the quality of life worldwide for all organizational stakeholders.((ecocentric management))
__________ is economic growth and development that meet an organization's present needs without harming the ability of future generations to meet their needs.((Sustainable growth))
__________ is the process of evaluating all inputs and outputs, through the entire "cradle-to-grave" journey of a product, in order to determine the total environmental impact of its production and use.((Ethical management))
During a job interview, the recruiting manager from BioCorn Energy told Salvador that ethanol was a more efficient transportation fuel and was, therefore, environmentally superior to petroleum-derived fuel. Afterwards, in doing his own research, Salvador learned that this viewpoint was disputed. Critics of ethanol-from-corn production cited a recent __________ study, contending that ethanol was in fact more environmentally harmful than gasoline, when considering the amount of land required, the amount of chemicals (fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides) required, the higher transportation costs incurred, and amount of agricultural wastes generated.((life cycle analysis))
The modern view of business toward incorporating environmental values is to treat it as((a way to gain a competitive edge.))
Dallas, store manager for Newberry Foods, learns that the store's refrigeration system failed overnight, and, for several hours, the cold meat and produce were exposed to temperatures that were a few degrees higher than required by company standards. She decides to discard the food, at cost of many thousands of dollars, because she believes it is the right thing to do, and the health of consumers is at stake. Dallas uses __________ as an ethical system to make her decision.((universalism))
Alec has great respect for his long-time manager and mentor, Eli. When Alec is confronted with a challenging ethical issue, he asks himself how Eli would have handled the situation. Alec uses __________ as an ethical system to guide him in his decision making.((relativism))
Calvin’s bicycle company that specializes in mountain bikes sold a few models with a defective component. If he informs the customers and issues a recall, it will cost him a substantial amount of money. If the bike malfunctions, there is a very small chance that it could cause serious injury to a cyclist who might use it on rough terrain. Calvin decides to use the egoism approach to decision making and remain silent about the defect, likely because he((is motivated by self-interest. ))
Nathan received a holiday gift from a company supplier. He estimated the value of the gift at $25. As he was not sure he could ethically accept the gift, Nathan reviewed company policy and discussed the matter with his boss before making his decision. In this situation, Nathan used what ethical framework to guide his decision?((relativism))
Maya, owner of a small craft shop, inadvertently sold decorative wall hangings that included hazardous lead-based paint. The paint was a very small part of the finished product, and the crafts were intended to hang well above the reach of small children and pets. Nonetheless, when Maya learned that the crafts contained the hazardous paint, she contacted each buyer, took back the crafts she had sold them, and replaced them with products that did not contain the hazardous paint. She acted as a mature businessperson with good moral character by using the __________ approach to ethical decision making.((virtue ethics))
That's a problem that is endangering the public! Our company needs to immediately stop production and solve it! warned Kevin. His manager said, "Kevin, we're not going to solve any problem that means spending money. Our profits are behind plan this quarter." An unwillingness to take an ethical stand that may impose financial costs is a sign that the company has a(n) __________ that is conducive to unethical behavior.((ethical climate))
The codified laws of the country in which a business is located are the evaluative tool guiding business ethics.((FALSE))
Unethical managerial behavior helps create a toxic work environment that negatively impacts the entire organization.((TRUE))
An ethical leader is one who is both a moral person and a moral manager who influences others to behave ethically.((TRUE))
In ethical decision making, moral judgment involves understanding that a problem has ethical implications.((FALSE))
The shareholder model of business makes management’s economic responsibility to the firm a priority.((TRUE))
A company can easily avoid environmental issues because the creation and distribution of wealth generates very few by-products.((FALSE))
Life cycle analysis (LCA) quantifies the total use of resources and the releases into the air, water, and land.((TRUE))
Motivation refers to forces that((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
For a workplace goal to be motivating, it((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Goals should be __________ to be motivating.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which goal is most likely to stimulate performance, according to the guidelines of goal-setting theory?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Stretch goals are the((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Vertical stretch goals are((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Horizontal stretch goals involve what area of an organization?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In his second year of managing the accounting department, Scott set a goal for his team to slightly improve its "days billing" from last year's 36 days to 35 days. Midway through the year, Scott is disappointed that the "days billing" has actually worsened to 37 days. Scott’s manager advised that to motivate his staff to perform at a higher level, Scott should set a goal that is((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
What premise specifically states that people have conscious goals that energize them and direct their thoughts and behaviors toward a particular end?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In Declan’s annual performance review, he submitted his draft goals for the upcoming year. One of his goals was to "Improve my punctuality." His boss responded, "No, that goal is not acceptable, based on your poor attendance record. Your goal needs to be __________ so that you and I can monitor and measure whether or not you are attaining it."((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Every year, Tandy’s previous manager developed and given her a list of performance goals for the upcoming year, and then proceeded to criticize her for not fully achieving her previous year's goals—goals that he had developed and given to her. And, in fact, Tandy was not always motivated to achieve the goals prescribed for her. But Tandy’s new manager is a breath of fresh air. Tandy tells her roommate, "My new manager lets me participate in goal-setting for my work and, as a result,((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Stretch goals can shift people away from((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In a group setting, individualized performance goals can create __________ and reduce __________.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Andi reflected on last year's one goal that she established for her department—to achieve $1 million in profit. And she required all staff members to establish this same personal goal—and only this goal—for themselves. Looking back a year later, Andi realized that her dogged pursuit of a "number" caused her department to fall a year behind in training and new business development. Andi knows that this focus on one dimension of her business cannot be repeated. For the coming year, she must avoid((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ are positive consequences that motivate behavior. ((Reinforcers))((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ formulated the law of effect.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The law of __________ states that behavior that is followed by positive consequences will likely be repeated.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Organizational behavior modification primarily attempts to((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Hector, a manager at Roseland Corp., recently illustrated __________ by promoting two employees because their performance had greatly improved.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is the act of applying a consequence that increases the likelihood that the person will repeat the behavior that led to that result.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is the practice of removing or withholding an undesirable consequence.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Arun, the manager at Advanced Solutions, took an employee off probation because of her improved performance, illustrating((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is an example of positive reinforcement.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is an example of extinction.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is the act of administering an aversive consequence.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ involves the instances of withdrawing or failing to provide a reinforcing consequence.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
What is most likely to occur when positive reinforcement is employed?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
As an employee receiving feedback, one should ideally((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Viktor’s work performance has greatly improved over the course of the past two months, so his boss decided to upgrade his status from that of a temporary employee to that of a permanent employee. This is an example of((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
For optimum effectiveness, managers should provide employees with feedback((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is an example of punishment.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Jeanette was pleased to reward her top sales professional with a hefty bonus for the third year in a row because of his increasingly large sales figures. He said, "Jeanette, you keep providing __________ as a consequence of my efforts, and I will keep posting excellent sales!"((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Jed, an operations manager, struggles with staffing the unpopular night shift, where all new employees are initially assigned. The turnover is high, morale is poor, and performance is dismal. Jed has tried positive reinforcement, offering rewards for punctuality and good work habits; this approach failed. He has also tried the extinction approach, also with little success. Finally, he punished wrongdoers, and that also failed to bring about any desired change. If Jed now tries negative reinforcement, what might be a proper approach?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Mildred knows that she will not have bonus dollars to reward her high-performing management team this year due to a shortfall in company profits. Furthermore, a companywide hiring and promotion freeze will prohibit her from hiring entry-level workers to allow existing staff to be promoted to higher levels. In response, she has arranged for her management team to attend the annual corporate planning meeting, affording them a unique opportunity to interact with and gain recognition by company executives. Mildred instituted this nonmonetary reward because((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In contrast to reinforcement theory, expectancy theory((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ theory proposes that people will behave based on their perceived likelihood that their effort will lead to a certain outcome and on how highly they value that outcome.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Expectancy theory includes the following events, in order:((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to expectancy theory, instrumentality is((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is the link between performance and outcomes in expectancy theory.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to expectancy theory, valence((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is the perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to expectancy theory, what must occur for motivation to be high?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is a consequence a person receives for his or her performance.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
For motivation to be high, total valence of all outcomes must be((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Dale, a marketing professional who reports to you, believes that he can meet his $1 million sales goal this year (expectancy). And he would truly value the $10,000 bonus (valence) that he might earn as a result. In the past, your company has failed to pay out promised rewards. Therefore, in accordance with the expectancy theory, he is understandably concerned—and hence demotivated—that((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the context of Maslow's need hierarchy, the need found at the bottom of the pyramid is the __________ need.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is the highest-level need in Maslow's hierarchy.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In Maslow's need hierarchy, __________ need refers to a need for friendship, affection, belonging, and love.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In Maslow's need hierarchy, __________ includes the need for recognition and self-esteem.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which statement is accurate according to Maslow's need hierarchy?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which statement is accurate regarding the importance of Maslow's need hierarchy for managers?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Alderfer's ERG theory primarily focuses on((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The Maslow's need hierarchy is different from Alderfer's ERG theory in that((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to McClelland, the most important needs for managers are the needs for((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to McClelland's research, the need for achievement is((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to McClelland, __________ power is used as a negative force.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Garrett’s company was hemorrhaging money and losing many valuable employees through layoffs and resignations. He tried, but failed, to motivate Allison, his best employee, by discussing her next year's goals, appealing to her full potential as a professional. She told him she could not think about next year—she was worried about keeping her job this year. In accordance with Maslow's need hierarchy, why is Garrett failing to motivate Allison?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A low need for affiliation and a moderate to high need for power are associated with((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Generally speaking, managers in the United States are motivated most by((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the context of Alderfer's ERG theory, existence needs typically((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Brady loves his job. It offers him the opportunity to meet lots of people, to work outdoors, and to do things his own way. Brady often jokes that he would be glad to do his job even if he is not given any pay. This sense of fulfillment is an example of((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ are the rewards given to a person by the boss, the company, or some other person.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is intended to alleviate boredom by giving people different things to do at different times.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is the act of giving people additional tasks at the same time to alleviate boredom.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is the act of changing a task to make it inherently more rewarding, motivating, and satisfying for the people concerned.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Jones is the marketing manager at a small firm. In addition to his marketing-related duties, he has recently been put in charge of recruitment, at his request. This is an example of((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ means that jobs are restructured or redesigned by adding higher levels of responsibility.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Tanner’s job responsibilities have recently been changed as part of a decentralization effort taking place at his office. He has been given the authority to decide when a file's status is to be altered, rather than only altering files at his supervisor's discretion. This is an example of((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Herzberg's __________ theory describes hygiene and motivators as factors affecting people's work motivation and satisfaction.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In Herzberg's two-factor theory, __________ are characteristics of the workplace, such as company policies, working conditions, pay, and supervision, that can make people dissatisfied.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to Herzberg, the key to true job satisfaction and motivation to perform lies in((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the Hackman and Oldham model, __________ is the independence and discretion in making decisions.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Growth need strength is best defined as the((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is the process of sharing power with employees, thereby enhancing their confidence in their ability to perform their jobs and their belief that they are influential contributors to the organization.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In job __________, workers are given additional tasks at a higher level of responsibility. ((enrichment))((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to __________, characteristics of the workplace termed hygiene factors will not necessarily motivate workers.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Jameson said to his employee, "Stephan, I will be out next week on client business. In my absence, I'd like you to serve as acting manager. On Monday, I'd like you to lead our weekly sales meeting. Also, please assign client contacts to the sales staff for the upcoming trade show. Lastly, decide upon final terms for our contract with People’s Power, and negotiate that contract to closure. I'm glad that I can count on you." In empowering his employee, Jameson has((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Clinton said to his employee, "Ryan, I don't know what else I can do for you. You have a job, a good paycheck, competitive benefits, a suitable office space, and reasonable people with whom to work." Ryan replied, "I'm sorry but those things don't motivate me." According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, what might Ryan be looking for?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which statement is true of growth need strength?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which statement is supported by equity theory?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is the practice of using a fair process in decision making and making sure others know that the process is as fair as possible.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
As the on-site project manager, Brandon reprimanded the construction superintendent, "Gabe, I'm going to have to write you up for not properly securing yourself on that elevated work site. I've written up others, and the crew will be watching to see what I will do." Gabe replied, "I've been up there dozens of times, and we're on a tight schedule. There's no time to fool with every safety procedure." In writing up Gabe as he did other employees, Brandon was implementing((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
I haven't missed a day of work in the past five years, and I'm committed to this company, so I determined that a 20 percent salary increase is warranted for reasons of fairness, said Tony to his supervisor. In reply, she asked, "How did you determine that this increase is fair?" If Tony is using equity theory as a basis for his request, he would reply,((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
After a rough week and against her better judgment, Leesa tells Tarik she is tired of arguing with him over trip reports. She makes an exception for him and, against policy, says he no longer needs to fill them out. A week later, another sales rep comes to her and asks to stop preparing reports, just like Tarik. Why do you think Leesa now has a managerial problem?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The general goal of quality of work life (QWL) programs is to((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Constitutionalism in the workplace refers to((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A(n) __________ refers to a set of perceptions of what employees think their employers owe them and vice versa.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Charles, I have some disturbing data, said the vice president of human resources. "Our company has suffered increases in turnover, absenteeism, lawsuits by employees and former employees, injury and illness claims, and customer complaints. About the only thing that hasn't increased is our productivity." Charles replied, "I have unfortunately come to recognize these workforce characteristics. They are a sign of((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Merrick tells his sales manager, "Our staff are dissatisfied, and they have lacked good citizenship since we lost the big account." What does Merrick mean regarding lacking good citizenship?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Advocates of quality of work life (QWL) programs assert that it benefits the organization by((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The manager of operations, who is a critic of quality of work life programs, told the firm's manager of human resources, "I'm not convinced that a QWL program will necessarily inspire employees to work harder. Rather, I want us to tie rewards directly to((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A survey by Mental Health America found that a top contributor to employee dissatisfaction is((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is a set of perceptions of what employees owe their employers and what their employers owe employees.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ create a workplace that enhances employee well-being and satisfaction.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The ideal psychological contract for both employers and employees can be summarized as,((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Donte was given a surprise $500 bonus, and his supervisor told him that if he continued to post numbers as he did that month, he would receive a bonus each month. Donte was motivated to go all out and do his best every month. This shows the power of((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Cody racked up three safety violations in one month and was taken off the construction crew and put in the office, meaning he was no longer eligible for overtime. He pled with his boss, saying he needed the money for rent. Stating that Cody’s financial situation was not a company concern, he was put in the office until he could demonstrate that safety was a priority. This scenario illustrates((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Malik is demoralized and unmotivated. He tells his coworker, "I'm at a dead end in this job. Believe me, I would love to get a raise or a promotion. But no matter how well I do, I'll never get that kind of recognition." In the context of the expectancy theory, this illustrates((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Andrew told his fellow roofer, "I'm telling the boss at the end of the day that I'm quitting. This work is too physically demanding and dangerous for what they're paying me." In the context of the expectancy theory, Andrew’s experience illustrates((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The most powerful goals are those which appeal to people’s higher values.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Organizational behavior modification focuses on influencing behavior.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Negative reinforcement involves administering an aversive consequence, such as reducing work hours or docking pay.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
An expectancy can be high as well as low.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Effective managers can create positive outcomes by realizing that everyone passes through the five needs in Maslow’s hierarchy in order.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Intrinsic rewards have a close relationship to inspiring creativity.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Options for restoring workplace equity including increasing your own outcomes or decreasing others’ outcomes.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Quality of work life (QWL) programs are designed to increase profits and productivity.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The step in the formal planning process known as __________ involves studying past events, examining current conditions, and forecasting future trends.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The outcome of a situational analysis is the((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Situational analysis, as part of the formal planning process, focuses on((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the context of the planning process, __________ are the targets or ends a manager wants to reach.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Smooth Coat, a paint manufacturer , developed a strategic plan that assumed continued growth in its industry. Additionally, it generated several __________ for different economic settings. When a recession started, Smooth Coat quickly implemented the plan based on those conditions. As a consequence, it survived more easily than other firms in the industry.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Year in and year out, Coca-Cola outperforms in the soft drink industry. While this success is due in part to the quality of their products, it is also due to Coca-Cola's consistently strong marketing campaigns. These campaigns represent Coca-Cola's ongoing, or __________, plan to develop and execute a world-class marketing and promotion strategy.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A plan to integrate employees into a new payroll system, assuming that it is not likely to be repeated in the foreseeable future, is an example of a __________ plan.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to the __________ plan of Castleton Industries, if expansion to new markets in Australia does not materialize, the company will strive for expansion in Asia.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The managers of Tanika Enterprises are considering how well alternative plans may meet its high-priority goals, as well as identifying the cost of each initiative and its likely investment return. Tanika Enterprises is in the __________ stage of the planning process.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
During the __________ step of the planning process, managers identify the priorities and trade-offs among goals and plans.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
After Jenn’s department performed poorly two years, she reviewed her plan and saw it had inadequate funding and unclear priorities. The next year, she acquired sufficient funds and incentivized her top managers with bonuses for goals met. The results made Jenn ecstatic, showing how the implementation of plans is successful when((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The final step in the formal planning process involves((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the context of planning, if there is alternative generation, evaluation, and selection steps which reveal several different future scenarios, a different __________ plan is attached to each scenario.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The planning step known as monitoring and controlling performance((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which level of manager is known as a tactical manager?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Typical strategic goals involve((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Strategic goals tend to have a strong __________ orientation.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Strategic goals tend to relate to((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The level of planning involving the longest time horizon, usually ranging from three to seven years, is __________ planning.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ planning involves a process of translating broad strategic goals and plans into specific goals and plans relevant to a particular portion of an organization((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ planning is the process of identifying the specific procedures and processes required at lower levels of an organization.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In __________ planning, frontline managers usually focus on routine tasks such as production runs, delivery schedules, and human resource requirements.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
For organizations, the formal planning model is generally __________, with top-level strategies flowing down through the levels of the organization into more specific goals and plans. ((hierarchical))((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
To be effective, an organization's strategic plans should focus on goals that are((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which statement regarding the role of managers in strategic planning is accurate?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The formal planning model emphasizes a __________ approach.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A mission statement describes the organization’s((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Senior management at Durable Manufacturing knows that a successful implementation of the business plan in the coming year is critical to the company's survival in a competitive industry. Durable cannot afford for different parts of the organization to "stray" from the plan; in fact, each organizational unit must perform in sync with the goals of the unit above it and the units below it. Thus, the individual plans of the corporation, each division, each department, and each section must be((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The strategic vision of an organization((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The tangible assets of an organization include((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Resources provide competitive advantage only under certain circumstances, including when they are((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The sleek appearance of Apple products helps set it apart from its competitors and makes the products top sellers. For example, the curved design and dual-camera system in the newest iPhone are examples of Apple’s((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Homestyle Treats, a chain of cookie shops, periodically compares the quality of its food and service with its competitors in order to continually improve its performance. This corporate strategy is known as((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Cameron’s manager and mentor, Oliva, is helping Cameron develop his first business plan. Oliva said, "One of the most powerful tools that you can use in developing a strategic plan for your business is to analyze the external environment and your internal resources. I will help you formulate this strategy by using a technique called((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A __________ strategy identifies the set of businesses, markets, or industries in which the organization competes and the distribution of resources among those businesses.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In order to reduce production costs, Autoworks an automobile manufacturer, decided to buy out a glass plant and begin manufacturing the glass for the windows of cars on its own. The corporate strategy adopted by the company is known as((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Southern Spirits had focused only on alcoholic beverages for the last two decades. Now, as part of a(n) __________ strategy, the company is considering entering the soft drink market.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The __________ matrix is not a substitute for management judgment; it helps managers of businesses evaluate their strategy alternatives.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Deisha viewed her staff as a competitive advantage, as they had the necessary academic degrees and experience. Her division manager said, "Deisha, until you have staff with rare and valuable academic research experience and corresponding degrees, and with talents that are world-class and in extremely high demand by your clients, such that they are willing to pay top dollar for that talent, your staff do not represent a competitive advantage. Your staff are too __________ by your competitors."((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The goal of __________ is to thoroughly understand the best practices of other firms and to undertake actions to achieve better performance and lower costs.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The corporate strategy of __________ involves expanding the domain of an organization into supply channels and to distributors.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Lodestar Inc. recently decided to expand from its original base in construction to several wide-ranging industries such as trucking, lawn mower manufacturing, and catering. Lodestar is using the __________ corporate strategy.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Harris Industries is evaluating the purchase of a small firm, StrongTech Inc. which manufactures products involving advanced technology. These products are expected to revolutionize the home construction industry. StrongTech has only a minor share of this market, but the market is expected to grow rapidly. Substantial investment will be required. In the BCG matrix, StrongTech Inc. would be placed in the __________ category.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the context of the strategic planning process, a critical task in environmental analysis is __________ future trends. ((forecasting))((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Groups and individuals who affect and are affected by achievement of the organization’s mission, goals, and strategies are considered((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
If an organization's mission statement describes the organization as it currently operates then its strategic vision points to the((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the BCG matrix, a star represents a company((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Functional strategies are implemented((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Businesses using a __________ strategy try to be efficient and offer a standard, no-frills product.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The most effective strategy that can be adopted by strategy managers is one that((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The first step in strategy implementation involves articulating in simple language what a particular business must do to create or sustain a competitive advantage. This step involves((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
When a problem is frequent, repetitive, and routine, with much certainty regarding cause-and-effect relationships, a __________ decision may be taken.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
At Toni’s retirement party, she reflected upon her long career in starting up successful companies. She said, "I salute my long-time mentor who counseled me early in my career about risk. He said, “When you are confronted with risk when making management decisions, you should((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
What is typical of most managerial decisions?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A small U.S.-based company is trying to decide whether to open its first international branch in Europe or Asia. The managers of the company are operating under a condition of((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In managerial decision making, when one can estimate the likelihood of various consequences but still does not know with certainty what will happen, the manager is facing((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In managerial decision making, the state that exists when decision makers have insufficient information is known as ((uncertainty.))((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is one of the six stages of formal decision making.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The first step in an ideal decision-making process is to((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The manager of a restaurant noticed that the number of customers in the evening was decreasing. She promptly ordered the chef to revise the evening menu. Later, customer feedback indicated that the problem was not the menu but poor service from the waitstaff. The manager's decision to have the menu revised suggests that she failed to((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
When generating alternative solutions during the decision-making process, __________ solutions must be designed for specific problems.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Jean is evaluating a new customer relationship management software solution for her business. She knows several business owners and managers who have implemented the software in their organizations. Instead of conducting a trial in her own company, she asks them for their advice. Jean is most likely searching for a(n) __________ solution to her problem.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
When making a choice, __________ requires searching thoroughly for a complete range of alternatives, carefully assessing each alternative, comparing one to another, and then choosing or creating the very best.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Patrice has to select paper clips to purchase for her office. She looks at the office supply catalog and picks the first one that is priced reasonably. Patrice is using the __________ method of decision making.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
For the decision-making process in an organization, those who __________ a decision must understand the choice and must be committed to its successful implementation.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
With managerial decision making, decision evaluation is useful((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Decision makers who search for __________ solutions use ideas they have tried before or follow the advice of others who have faced similar problems.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Managers who use the method of optimizing to make their decisions will attempt to choose((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the context of formal decision making, negative feedback indicates that((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is a psychological bias that applies to students who do not spend sufficient time studying.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The psychological bias known as illusion of control refers to a((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Illusion of control, discounting the future, and framing effects are examples of((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ refer(s) to a decision bias influenced by the way in which a problem or decision alternative is phrased or presented.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Discounting the future refers to((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A company recently made changes to its organizational structure. While deciding upon the changes to be implemented, the company invited many employees to discuss the issue with the senior management. This enabled the employees to hear the relevant arguments both for the chosen alternative and against the rejected alternatives. An advantage of using employees in this group discussion was that((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
An advantage in using a group for decision making is that it((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Jason wanted the advantage that comes with the collective wisdom of a management team participating in a decision. Jason’s division had to decide if solar panel, wind turbine blade, or battery power research would be its next major investment. He brought together his managers in a meeting; however, Tarek used his strength of character and oratory skills to push for solar panel research. Unfortunately, the other managers were quiet, and Tarek managed to overpower them with his views. Given the dynamics of the meeting and its outcome, __________ had prevented Jason’s meeting from achieving what he had hoped it would.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is the phenomenon that occurs in decision making when group members avoid disagreement as they strive for consensus.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
When decision making is done in groups, the job of a devil's advocate is to create((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Five executives attended a meeting that was being held at the company. A decision needed to be made about the following year's marketing campaign. Brant, an outspoken and aggressive person, insisted that his ideas be followed because there could not be a better alternative. No one else contributed to the discussion, and Brant’s views were accepted. This group discussion suffered from((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In brainstorming, group members generate((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
When a group accepts an alternative in order to end a meeting, the group has reached a(n) __________ decision.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is a condition that occurs when a decision-making group loses sight of its original purpose and a new, less important aim emerges.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Leaders of decision-making groups who want to encourage constructive conflict should((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In an effort to combat groupthink and an overall lack of creativity, the group leader assigned Raisa the job of criticizing ideas, for the sake of argument, throughout the meeting. Raisa is playing the role of a ((devil's advocate.))((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In an attempt to make a conflict between two employees less personal and emotional, their manager instructs them to approach the same problem from a different viewpoint. They have a structured debate and come to a conclusion that suits both employees. This is an example of using the __________ approach.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
What is a feature of effective brainstorming?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The senior management of Galaxy Industries has conducted a strategic planning meeting. Based upon the discussion, decisions were made regarding((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The lab manager devised a schedule so that the lab chemists and staff could continually run the experiments over the next two weeks. This decision is part of operational planning because it((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
As part of a strategic planning process, Northeast Power's senior executives determined positive findings from their SWOT analysis: (1) New regulations will provide tax credits for renewable ("green") power sources. (2) Their customers will pay higher prices for green power. (3) A competing power utility that owns renewable power sources is struggling and might be a target to be acquired by Northeast Power. (4) As compared to their competitors, Northeast Power's management team is one of the best in the industry. A strength of Northeast Power, per the SWOT analysis, is that((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The CEO of GoodLife Corporation, said, "I like what I heard from our SWOT analysis. It found: (1) We have an excellent sales staff. (2) Our management team is one of the best in the industry. (3) Demand for our products in the underserved overseas market is projected to soar. (4) Our factories use the latest and most efficient equipment. (5) And our cost control system is world class." An opportunity for Goodlife, per the SWOT analysis, is that((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The owner of Frank’s Fine Foods, a family-owned grocery store, said to his management team following their SWOT analysis, "We're in trouble. We have been the leading grocer in this geographical area, but Wholesome Groceries is opening a superstore a mile away. Our refrigeration system is 15 years old and needs replacing. Our store manager and produce manager are retiring this year. And our employee benefits package is not competitive." A threat to Frank’s Fine Foods, per the SWOT analysis, is that((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Our business needs a steady supply of raw milk, said the CEO of Happy Cow Ice Cream, "But Midwest Dairy Farms is unable to deliver with certainty, and they keep raising prices. This year, I want us to expand our business by buying our own dairy farm." The CEO is advocating a(n) __________ strategy.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
I am pleased to announce that we have acquired Fancy Fruit Juices, a premier producer of natural beverages, said Louis Garcia, CEO of Granddad's Root Beer. "This will allow us to take advantage of our strengths by applying them in a new business that is similar to our core business." Louis is speaking of a(n) __________ strategy.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The last three years of severe drought conditions have been brutal to our lawn care business. We survived, but our business is too concentrated, said the owner of Anderson & Sons. "I propose that we expand in new areas—trucking, catering, and dry cleaning—to minimize our risks due to market fluctuations in one industry." This business owner is advocating a(n) __________ strategy.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The management team of Community Care Medical Center is deciding whether to include more advanced, and substantially more costly, technologies. This is a nonprogrammed decision, because the underlying problem((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A finance manager, told his boss, "Jake, just like last month, I have determined appropriate revenue recognition for each of the 55 projects this month, based upon company policy and our standard procedures. Each of the projects has routine revenue accrual. I have prepared financial affidavits for each of these 55 projects, and I recommend that you approve the revenues by signing the affidavits." Jake’s decision to approve the revenues is an example of a programmed decision because the underlying problem((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
We have 125 qualified candidates for the quarterly training program but only 25 slots, said the production manager. "In that case, randomly select 25, and we will train the other candidates later this year during the next rounds of training," said the division manager. By selecting the first 25 qualified candidates at random rather than examining each candidate's file to determine if more qualified candidates should be selected first, the managers are engaging in((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
During a managers' meeting, there is difficulty reaching a conclusion on which project to fund in the upcoming year. In arguing for funding for her project, Lorene states that she has experience in making all projects succeed. She even states that she is immune to failure. Lorene is displaying what barrier to decision making?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
We must jump into this new business area right now, or we will fall behind, argued Dave. "Let's price our product well below our competitors' prices, even if we don't make money at first. We will figure out how to make money later." Dave is displaying which bias in decision making?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
When James presented his plan to his boss, he emphasized its huge money-making potential without pointing out its inherent risks and ethical challenges. James was using __________ to sell his position.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The new CEO told his executive team, "Every two years, on a rolling basis, we will develop a new plan that will address our high-level mission, objectives, and approaches to conduct business for the next five years. The plan will guide decision making that is consistent with our long-term goals and strategies." The five-year plan is an example of a __________ plan.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The operator's manual has a purpose—to allow the equipment to meet its performance goals and last for a long time, said the plant manager to an employee. "You didn't perform scheduled maintenance on the equipment as specified in the manual, and now the equipment is ruined." Following the instructions described in the operator's manual is an example of a __________ plan.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The dam is on the verge of failing, and the downstream residents are in danger! cried the on-scene reporter. The power plant manager, replied, "Stay calm. We implemented the emergency protocol over 24 hours ago, and we have evacuated all potentially affected residents." The emergency protocol is an example of a __________ plan.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In an organization, the process of planning moves in a linear fashion.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Effective planning allows for changing conditions.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Standing plans are designed to achieve a set of short-term goals.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Making decisions about an organization's short-term goals and tactics is known as strategic planning.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A strategic control system must encourage efficient operations while allowing flexibility to adapt to changing conditions.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Individuals usually make higher-quality decisions when compared to groups, provided there is enough time.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to the findings of Kouzes and Posner, which action is taken by the best leaders?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is best described as a mental image of a possible and desirable future state of an organization.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In leadership, vision expresses((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which statement is accurate regarding leadership vision?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Academic research shows that __________ lead(s) to higher organizational performance.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The CEO of Box Well Packaging worked diligently with her board to develop a vision for the firm. She tells her chairman, "I know where I want us to go. And I must continue to __________ this vision for others within the organization.”((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Supervisory leadership is behavior that provides((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ leadership gives purpose and meaning to organizations by anticipating and envisioning a viable future for the organization and working with others to initiate changes that create such a future.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
What skill distinguishes excellent managers from other managers?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Managing requires __________, while leading includes setting the direction.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Everett told his coworker, "I really admire Hilda’s leadership, and I'm glad that she is our boss. She has articulated her vision and motivated us to((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The most effective followers are distinguished by the ability to((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A leadership scholar asserts that “Executives are given subordinates; they have to __________ followers.”((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In organizations, __________ often means the ability to get things done or accomplish one's goals despite resistance from others.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A leader with __________ power has the right, or the authority, to tell others what to do.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A leader who has __________ power influences others because he or she controls valued benefits; people comply with the leader's wishes so as to receive those benefits.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A leader with __________ power has control over punishments; people comply to avoid those punishments.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A leader with __________ power has personal characteristics that appeal to others.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The top management of a company determined that their end-of-year bonuses would not be given due to low sales. Emily, a department manager, informed her staff that even high-performing employees should not expect a bonus. Emily’s __________ power was limited by the decision of the top management.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
At a restaurant, employees who perform poorly during a particular shift are scheduled for the unpopular weekend shifts by the manager. In this case, the manager exercises his __________ power.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A leader who has __________ power has certain knowledge; people comply because they believe in, can learn from, or can otherwise gain from that knowledge.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Darla, a young manager at an organization, has a lot of influence over her employees. She is an admired manager: her subordinates like working with her and want to emulate her enthusiasm and personal style. In this scenario, Darla has __________ power.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The __________ is a leadership perspective that focuses on individual leaders and attempts to determine the personal characteristics that great leaders share.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the trait approach to leadership, __________ refers to a set of characteristics that reflect a high level of effort, including high need for achievement, constant striving for improvement, ambition, energy, tenacity, and initiative.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the trait approach to leadership, __________ distinguishes effective leaders from other people.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________, in the trait approach to leadership, is the correspondence between actions and words.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which statement describes a characteristic of effective leaders?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Ryder, an employee at a company, is extremely eager to take up higher positions in the organization. He is an extravert and tries to influence the decisions made by his boss. He prefers to lead his colleagues rather than follow them. According to the trait approach to leadership, Ryder displays((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to the trait approach to leadership, a(n) __________ leader overcomes obstacles, makes decisions despite uncertainty, and instills assurance in others.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The dark triad of negative leadership traits include((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Cultural expectations differ for leadership approaches. For example, the Chinese embrace the concept of guanxi, an expectation of((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is a leadership perspective that attempts to identify what good leaders do—that is, what behaviors they exhibit.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The __________ approach downplays personal characteristics in favor of the actual conduct that leaders exhibit.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ are actions taken to ensure that a work group or organization reaches its goals.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the behavioral approach to leadership, __________ behavior is variously referred to as concern for production, directive leadership, initiating structure, or closeness of supervision.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which question can be used to identify a manager's level of task performance leadership?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ behavior is sometimes referred to as concern for people, supportive leadership, or consideration.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ behavior includes a focus on people's feelings and comfort, appreciation of them, and stress reduction.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which question can be used to identify a manager's level of group maintenance leadership?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The __________ highlights the importance of leader behaviors not just toward the group as a whole but toward individuals on a personal basis.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to the __________, maintenance behaviors such as trust, open communication, mutual respect, mutual obligation, and mutual loyalty form the cornerstone of relationships that are satisfying and perhaps more productive.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ leadership seeks information, opinions, and preferences, sometimes to the point of meeting with the group, leading discussions, and using consensus or majority vote to make the final choice.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Chan’s boss makes no managerial decisions but asks his employees to take the necessary steps in all aspects of work. Chan’s boss follows a(n) __________ decision-making style.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which statement is accurate regarding various decision styles?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In a research program that was conducted at the University of Michigan, planning, scheduling, coordinating, providing resources, and setting performance goals were all elements of what they called __________ behavior.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In a research program that was conducted at the University of Michigan, it was found that relationship-oriented behavior also made for effective managers. This behavior is characterized by((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A __________ approach is a leadership perspective that proposes universally important traits and behaviors do not exist and that effective leadership behavior varies.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The __________ model of leadership uses the basic situational approach of assessing the situation before determining the best leadership style.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to __________, leadership effectiveness depends on two factors: the personal style of the leader and the degree to which a situation gives the leader power, control, and influence over the situation.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In Fiedler's contingency model of leadership effectiveness, leadership styles were measured with an instrument assessing the leader's((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In Fiedler's contingency model, __________ leadership is more likely exhibited by leaders with low least preferred coworker (LPC) scores.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In Fiedler's contingency model, __________ leadership is more likely from high least preferred coworker (LPC) leaders.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In __________, the key situational factor is the maturity of the followers.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory, __________ is the level of the followers' skills and technical knowledge relative to the task being performed.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory, __________ refer(s) to an employee's self-confidence and self-respect.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is concerned with how leaders influence followers' perceptions of their work aims and the courses they follow toward attaining that end.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the path-goal theory, __________ leadership refers to behaviors geared toward motivating people, such as setting challenging goals and rewarding good performance.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the path-goal theory, __________ is the degree to which individuals respect, admire, and defer to power.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the path-goal theory, __________ is the extent to which individuals see events as being under their influence.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the __________, after answering a series of questions, several leader decisions styles may be appropriate, but the model recommends using the one that takes the least amount of time.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to the trait approach to studying leadership, __________ relates to leadership emergence and leadership effectiveness.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to the behavioral approach to studying leadership, __________ behavior includes a focus on work speed, quality and accuracy, quantity of output, and following the rules.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is a form of leadership in which the leader makes decisions on his or her own and then announces those decisions to the group.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ is a situational approach to leadership that emphasizes the participative dimension of leadership: how leaders go about making decisions. ((The Vroom model))((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which question can be used to identify a manager's level of group maintenance leadership?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which workplace factor can be an effective substitute for leadership?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Kenn told his subordinate, Greg, "Let me give you some advice. I know that you take pride in your delegating leadership style, and indeed you're good at it. But, always remember that effective leaders rely on __________ style(s) of leadership, depending on the situation."((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Farouk, manager of a 50-person engineering department, exhibits group maintenance behaviors; he ensures employee satisfaction, harmonious work relationships, and the department's social stability. However, his division manager notes that Farouk’s department rarely achieves its yearly goals, in terms of work speed, quality and accuracy, output, and compliance with company policies and requirements. How should the division manager coach Farouk to perform his job at a higher level and to increase the organization’s performance?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ has a strong positive impact on follower satisfaction and motivation and also on leader effectiveness.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Raegan told her protégé, Tyler, "You are particularly effective in exhibiting __________ behaviors, an important part of the LMX theory. It's obvious that you are respected for your trust, open communication, and mutual respect towards your staff. But remember that, in your relocation to our new office in Tokyo, these behaviors will need to change due to cross-cultural differences."((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
James, you have a strong management team supporting you, and I applaud your efforts to solicit information, opinions, and preferences from your team, and in seeking consensus in reaching decisions, said his boss. "But sometimes decisions need to be made more quickly, and sometimes your team simply wants you to step up and make certain tough decisions. In other words, a(n) __________ style of leadership might be appropriate."((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Research indicates that the performance and maintenance dimensions of leadership are((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Dr. Redstone, welcome to Doctors Without Borders, said the program administrator. "I will serve as your organizational manager 'in name only,' as we both know that I will not be providing much management, much less leadership, to your team in a foreign country. I'm confident, however, that you will not lack for leadership. After all, you will be working closely with several highly experienced professional colleagues in an environment that demands the close cooperation of a tight-knit group. Furthermore, the rules and procedures that govern your work are rigid, so your operating flexibility will be limited." In this case, the program administrator is counting upon __________ to provide a positive influence on Dr. Redstone.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to the proponents of the __________ approach to leadership, universally important traits and behaviors do not exist.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The __________ asks a leader to use a decision tree to assess the problem and determine the appropriate decision style to employ.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Lacie, a supervisor new to her job, knows that, in leading a team that is new to her, she must adapt her leadership style to suit the circumstances. She knows that she should first analyze each situation and then decide what to do. Lacie is adopting the __________ leadership approach.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
I'm not sure that I'm going to like our new boss, said Lawrence to his coworkers. "I've noticed that when a decision needs to be made, boom!—she makes it, announces it, and moves on without consulting any of us." Lawrence’s new boss is using a(n) __________ leadership approach to decision making.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Ian oversees two very different workers. Horatio wants to be told exactly what to do because he is hesitant to make decisions, and Nina wants to be told exactly what to do because she wants to get on with it. So, even though they are very different people, they both respect decisiveness. According to the path-goal theory of leadership, Ian should use the __________ leadership style with these workers.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Carter has decided to start using the situational leadership approach he learned about last month. He likes the idea of a leader adapting his or her leadership style depending upon the __________ and __________ of the follower in a specific situation. The former refers to the follower's skills and technical knowledge relative to the task being performed. The latter refers to the follower's self-confidence and self-respect.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A __________ leader has a special ability to generate excitement and revitalize organizations.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A __________ leader is a person who gets others to transcend their personal interests for the good of the group.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A __________ leader manages through activities, using his or her legitimate, reward, and coercive powers to give commands and exchange rewards for services rendered.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ leadership is a combination of determination and personal humility that builds enduring greatness.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ leadership refers to a style in which the leader is true to himself or herself while leading.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A(n) __________ leader seems to care about organizational interests, but tends to ignore followers’ real needs in order to put their own self-interests at the forefront.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Transformational leaders generate excitement and((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
At the annual shareholders' meeting of Galaxy Industries, one shareholder turned to the other and whispered, "Our CEO, Levi Nilsson, has done an outstanding job of leading his division presidents to set aside their personal interests for the betterment of Galaxy. And Levi is just such an exciting and passionate man. He has done wonders in turning around this organization." The other shareholder replied, "Indeed, Levi truly stands out as a(n) __________. I'm so glad that I've invested heavily in Galaxy!"((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
__________ serve others' needs while strengthening the organization.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Tam, Leslie, and Sawyer are three qualified engineers working in a team at a firm. Though Tam has the most experience, he does not always lead the group. Some projects require specialized knowledge that the other two members have, so the leadership role is passed around the group as appropriate. They are using the __________ style of leadership.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Did you hear that Braden is returning back to the States, to work in corporate headquarters as vice president of environmental services in the international division? asked Zach. His coworker, replied, "Yes. Obviously those four years that Braden has spent abroad, in our Rio and Tokyo offices, have served him well." In leaving his culture and working in other cultures for a significant period of time, Braden will bring __________ leadership to his organization.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The CEO noted to one of his managers, "Judith, you and the other senior managers have done an outstanding job of developing leadership in your divisions, especially at the very top. But we need more than just one or two superstars at the top. You need to spread out the responsibilities so that((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A __________ leader lives, goes to school, travels, or works in other cultures, then returns home to lead.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Lisa’s friend asked her, "What is the key to your success? After all, you have been promoted twice in the past three years." Lisa replied, "It's simple. When I tell my employees to do something, they do it. I'm the boss; they know it; and they behave accordingly." From this dialogue, it is clear that Lisa has __________ power.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Marlene, a shift manager at Bargain Interiors, told her roommate, "Work isn't much fun right now. I acknowledge that I have very little experience in the retail industry, but I just can't get my floor staff to perform their duties unless I use discipline. Over and over, I'm threatening to cut a nonperformer's hours unless he or she improves performance. That seems to be the only way that I can exert influence over them to make them perform their duties, but even then they don't respect my position as their manager." Based upon this discussion, why are Marlene’s floor staff willing to comply with her direction?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
George said, "I've never had a client leader like Aimee before. She has what is called referent power. As a result, the work that I do for Aimee is my very best because((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Ellie asked her coworker, "Why do you always consult with Harry before making any major business decisions? Harry is 65 years old. He's very quiet and unassuming. He's been working here since the firm was founded 40 years ago and isn't even in a management position." Her coworker explained that Harry((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Albert candidly thinks to himself, "I just don't know if I have the skills to progress in my career. I've made it to the second level of management, but I want to contribute at a greater level. I want to create a vision for the firm and institute important change.” Albert is striving to((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Bob, a division manager, talks about positive change for his staff and business, but he allows self-interest to take precedence over the needs of the division. Bob is a __________ leader.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Depending upon your political persuasion, Colleen is either the second coming of Ronald Reagan, or the second coming of Barack Obama! said Savannah. "She is such a __________ leader. She is dominant, self-confident, convinced of the moral righteousness of her beliefs, and able to rally her followers with excitement."((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Joyce uses task performance behaviors to ensure that the work of her business unit gets done. Therefore, she((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Blake uses group maintenance behaviors as a major part of his leadership activities. Therefore, he((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Three employees were discussing their managers' decision-making styles. The first said, "My boss is very autocratic. She makes all the decisions, and I'm a bit scared of her. Our financial performance is fine but could be better." The second stated, "My boss is the opposite; she is always democratic. She always involves all of us in discussion and decision making, and morale is good. But I think our financial performance should be better." The third concluded, "My boss takes a very laissez-faire approach. He makes no decisions. In our business unit,((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
True leaders are those who are living examples of the ideals they support.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Effective managers are necessarily true leaders.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
If company policy dictates that everyone is to receive the same salary increase, a leader’s reward power increases.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Research indicates that a laissez-faire leadership approach has a negative influence on attitudes and performance.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Advanced degrees are more important for leaders than acquired expertise in matters relevant to an organization.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Charisma can contribute to transformational leadership.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
For the person who wants to both lead and serve others, servant-leadership is a way to serve their needs and enhance their personal growth while strengthening the organization.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))