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السؤال سيظهر هنا , والجواب سيكون بين قوسين
--------- are things you can see, hear, smell, taste and/or touch them. ((Concrete nouns))
-------- means looking back and think about what you have learned and what to do next as a result of that learning. ((Reflection))
• Strengths • Threats In SWOT analysis, opportunities and threats are external to the organization. ((TRUE))
A fact is a piece of evidence that can be verified. ((True.))
A fact is just a subjective and unsupported point of view. ((False.))
A familiar problem-solution pattern consists of: Situation, Problem,…………. , Solution, and Evolution. ((Causes))
A problem often creates a ………….. towards a situation. ((Negative attitude))
A problem often creates a positive attitude towards a situation. Select one: ((False.))
A solution-justification text is an answer to three questions: ((What is the problem? What is your solution? & why do you think so?))
A truth claim indicate that you believe something is or is not true. The language used in the sentence above represents: ((weak claim))
An argument can be made strongly, identify boosting words can build an argument: ((Definitely, indeed.))
An argument can be weak, identify hedging words can build an argument: ((Apparently, Seemingly))
An argument is a claim that is --------- and ------------- in a variety of ways, such as the convincing explanations, evidence and examples. (( justified and supported))
An argument means a discussion between people who hold the same views. ((False.))
An example of hedging (weaker or tentative) claims: ((seems.))
An opinion is just subjective and unsupported point of view ((True.))
Answering people in mannerly way is an example of good: ((Listening and team working skills))
Any written claim was supported by evidence we call it…… ((Verified fact))
As a result of the economic downturn, people have less money to spend. The cheaper supermarkets are wherefores attracting more customers is example of: ((Causal Chain))
Before you read carefully, look quickly through the text to see what it is generally about, Good places to look at are: ((The title, introduction, fist sentences of each paragraph and the final paragraph.))
Boosting language is used to show your: ((Confidence in your claims and results.))
Brompton bicycle is the biggest bicycle manufacturer in Britain. Select one: ((Strengths))
Brompton Bicycle is well-known for the high quality of its niche product, a folding bicycle popular with commuters Select one: ((Strengths))
Business can study texts describe: ((General situations of a company))
Business case study can have different format such as: ((Video))
Business case study texts describe: ((General situations of a company))
Cause and effect describes a relationship between actions or events Select one: ((TRUE))
Checking the meaning of difficult words and expressions is a useful strategy for: ((Reading skills))
Choice of reporting verbs that describe neutral relation to your argument: ((All the answers (identified, stated, mentioned)))
Choose the right/correct answer from the below examples on cause & effect: ((Cause leads to problem))
Choose the right/correct answer from the below examples on cause & effect: ((The cause affect the effect))
Claim and support are the ability to recognize these two components in an argument helps you to understand other people’s plan and writing your own argument effectively: ((True.))
Comparison is to compare and contrast plan, or draw introduction. ((False. (Draw conclusion)))
Components of an argument text include: ((Argument contains both a claim and a supporting explanation or evidence.))
Covid-19 is just a flu. This sentence represents: ((A fact.))
Crises, satisfaction and productivity are examples of: ((Abstract nouns))
Explaining something clearly in workplace context is considered one of: ((Speaking skills))
Finding solutions to a problem is common only in the work place: Select one: ((False.))
Fishbone / lshikawa diagrams are: ((Cause & Effect Diagram))
From the two sentences written below, sentence number 1 is: S (1) The internet is a good invention. S (2) It is a source of endless information. ((Claim))
Good presentation involves: ((Using bold and size to differentiate sections))
Good reading skills involve: ((Analysing business cases))
Good reading strategies include: ((Making notes))
Good writing skills include: ((Plan and structure ideas))
Happiness is an examples of: ((Abstract nouns))
Hedging is used to show certainty, confidence, modesty, and respect for others’ views Select one: ((TRUE))
Hedging language in argument is used to: ((show uncertainty, modesty and respect for others’ views.))
How successful is the suggestion? Does it solve the case? Select one: ((Evaluation))
Identifying the problem & Sum it up in one or two sentences mean …. Select one: ((Problem))
In Fat Face case study showed that, there was an increased business/brand awareness among consumers:Select one: ((Opportunities))
In Fat face case study, competition from more sought after brands is Select one: ((Threats))
In Fat Face case study, the increased marketing opportunities Select one: ((Opportunities))
In Fat Face case study, the transactional website increases sales is: Select one: ((Strengths))
In Fat Face case study, there is little sales training for staff is: ((Weaknesses))
In fat face study, the increased interest in online presences is Select one: ((Opportunities))
In order to communicate effectively you should be: ((Ready))
In order to communicate effectively you should be: ((Prepare))
In order to complete the analyzing process, what step must be completed first ? ((Identify What is the starting situation.))
In SWOT analysis, weaknesses and threats are harmful to achieve the objective of the organization. ((TRUE))
In SWOT, we need to apply a framework to identify Select one: ((The organization internal and external problems.))
In the ……….. you explain how you are doing your analysis ((Introduction))
In the language of argument, a term that shows confidence in your claims and results: ((Boosting))
In your Café, if you are offering a free Wi-Fi to your computers. This will be considered as: ((Strengths))
In your own café if you are NOT providing proper customer services. This will be considered as: ((Weakness))
In your own café, if you are NOT providing an adequate employee training, such as showing your staff how they should attend to tables explaining to them how the food has to prepare and presented. This will be considered as: ((Weaknesses))
In your own café, if you are not providing an adequate employee training, such as showing your staff how they should attend to tables or explaining to them how the food has to be prepared and presented. This will be considered as: ((Weaknesses))
In your own café, if you are not providing an adequate employee training, such as showing your staff how they should attend to tables or explaining to them how the food has to be prepared and presented. This will be considered as: Select One: ((Weaknesses))
In your own café, if you are offering a free Wi-Fi to your customers. This will be considered as. ((Strengths))
In your own café, if you are offering a free Wi-Fi to your customers.. This will be considered as : Select one: ((Strength))
In your own café, if you are offering more organic snacks or salads on the menu in order to take advantage of trends which linked to eat healthier. This will be considered as: ((Strengths))
In your own café, if you are presenting more organic snacks or salad son the menu in your own café in order to take advantage of trends which linked to eating healthier. This will be considered as: ((Strengths))
In your own café, if you are presenting more organic snacks or salads on the menu in your own café in order to take advantage of trends which linked to eating healthier.. This will be considered as: ((Strengths))
In your own café, if you are providing an excellent customer services. This will be considered as: ((Strengths))
In your own café, if you are providing excellent customer services. This will be considered as: ((Strengths))
In your own café, if you are serving shrimp salad and something negative impacts the seafood market.. This will be considered as: ((Threats))
In your own case, if you are serving shrimp salad and something negative impacts the seafood market. This will considered as: Select One: ((Threats))
In-text referencing should be under the heading ‘references or ‘Bibliography’ ((FALSE))
is just a subjective and unsupported point of view. ((Opinion))
It is better that the company change the product’s label: that example of …... ((Proposing solution))
It is worth pointing out that paraphrasing is not the same as summarizing. When summarizing a text, you reduce the length by covering the key points in a concise form. Paraphrasing maintains the same meaning and the length may stay the same. ((False.))
Justification is: ((What is right or reasonable by using evidences))
Justification is: ((It is the action of showing something to be right or reasonable by using evidences.))
Knowing the staring case & what is the text about. Are questions that lead to : ((Solution))
linking word shows the sequence of events or ideas ((Time))
Lowell, a burger company, is expanding rapidly. However, the orders are often cold by the time they are delivered and customers complain about this. There is a shortage of motorcycle delivery riders. So, Lowell will recruit more motorcycle delivery riders. The starting Situation in the above case study is? Select one: ((Lowell company, is expanding rapidly))
Lowell, a burger company, is expanding rapidly. However, the orders are often cold bythe time they are delivered and customers complain about this. There is a shortage of motorcycle delivery riders. So, Lowell will recruit more motorcycle delivery riders. The starting Situation in the above case study is? Select one: ((Lowell company, is expanding rapidly.))
Methods of making notes include: ((Sketches or diagrams))
One of the words is “Problem – signaling Word” Select one: ((Positive impact))
One of these words is “Problem – signaling Word” Select one: ((Undervalued.))
Opportunities and threats Select one: ((External factors influencing the organization.))
Opportunities are potential openings like Select one: ((All answers are applicable))
Opportunities mean Select one: ((What an organization can do to make its position stronger in order to gain more customers))
Organization’s report should include the following sections in order: ((Method, Finding and Conclusion))
Paragraphs usually start with ---------- then move on to ---------- ((General information, Specific details))
Paraphrasing involves stating ideas from the original source in your own words: ((True.))
Problem is a negative situation strengthens an individual, group or organization. ((FALSE))
Problem solving is the key to a business’s success. ((True.))
Problems are a matter of perception means : ((One person may perceive a situation as a problem while someone else may be quite satisfied with the same situation.))
Read the text below, which has sentences numbered1,2 etc. Type the numbers of the sentences in the box below to show which is support in the text: Covid-19 is just a flu. (2) Where most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. (3) In addition, most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing hospital treatment. ((S (2) and S (3)))
Read the text below, which has sentences numbered1,2 etc.Type the numbers of the sentences in the box below to show which sentences have linking words in the text: (s1) Covid-19 is just a flu. (2) Where most common symptoms of COVID- 19 are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. (3) In addition, most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing hospital treatment. ((S2 and S3))
Recognizing signposting words and groups of words is a helpful way in. ((Reading skills))
Recommendation is beneficial for the stakeholders, so you need to use cause-and-effect language effectively ((TRUE))
Reporting verbs also indicate how much you agree or disagree with the other sources in relation to your argument, so you may be positive if you use: ((confirm))
Responding to people correctly is an example of good: ((Listening and team working skills))
Stakeholder a popular way of identifying groups of people who have a legitimate interest in the way a business is being run. Stakeholder might typically be identified as employees and shareholders ((TRUE))
Starbucks, the very popular American coffee. However, they have not been successful to reach south Africa market. This is mainly because of the very slow service and high price. Moreover, South-Africans like their coffee made of full fat milk and do not believe in adding a little creamer. The starting Situation in the above case study is? Select one: ((Starbucks had hopes of opening many stores in many sites in south Africa.))
Starbucks, the very popular American coffee. However, they have not been successful to reach south Africa market. This is mainly because of the very slow service and high price. Moreover, South-Africans like their coffee made of full fat milk and do not believe in adding a little creamer. The starting Situation in the above case study is? Select one: ((Starbucks had hopes of opening many stores in many sites in south Africa))
STEEPLE analysis consists of identifying …………… affecting a business. ((External factors))
Strategy to avoid unintended plagiarism can be done by only two of the following paraphrasing and summarizing the information from different sources, and referencing these resources accurately: ((True.))
Strengths and Weaknesses are Select one: ((Internal factors influencing the organization))
Structure of a Problem-Solution text has steps SEQUENTIALLY listed as below: ((Situation, problem, cause, solution, evaluation))
Students, tutors and children are known as: ((Concrete nouns))
Super Wash is a very popular “Car Wash Service” group. However as there are few vansand or drivers they are not able to meet the demand always. The customers complain that sometimes during weekends they have to wait too long for a Super Wash van to arrive or are simply unavailable. The starting Situation in the above case study is? Select one: ((Super Wash is a popular car wash service group.))
Super Wash is a very popular “Car Wash Service” group. However as there are few vansand or drivers they are not able to meet the demand always. The customers complain that sometimes during weekends they have to wait too long for a Super Wash van to arrive or are simply unavailable. The starting Situation in the above case study is? Select one: ((Super Wash is a popular car wash service group.))
The -------- describes the situation in general. ((High level generalization))
The ----------- Explains the key points by providing examples and more details. ((Low level generalization))
The ----------- Explains the key points by providing examples. ((Low level generalization))
The ----------- gives more details. ((Low level generalization))
The advantage of using STEEPLE is that it helps you to identify ……… more clearly. ((Cause-and-effect factors))
The aim of an argument is to persuade other people to refuse your claim, or at least seriously not to consider it ((False.))
The analyzing process has a starting point in order to be completed, which is: ((Identifying the starting situation))
The Brompton Bicycle case study show that, Brompton Bicycle, is the biggest bicycle manufacturer in Britain: ((Strengths))
The Brompton Bicycle case study show that, Brompton have been facing seasonal demand issues. ((Threats))
The Brompton Bicycle case study show that, Brompton, have been facing competition from many other bike manufacturers. ((Threats))
The Brompton Bicycle case study show that, Brompton, have been facing seasonal demand issues. ((Threats))
The Brompton Bicycle case study show that, the market has been growing 20% to 25% a year and they haven’t been growing the same rate. ((Weaknesses))
The Brompton Bicycle case study show that, there is growth potential in a rapidly expanding global market. ((Opportunities))
The Brompton Bicycle case study showed that, Brompton Bicycle is biggest bicycle manufactured is Britain. Select One: ((. Strength))
The Brompton Bicycle case study showed that, Brompton have been facing seasonal demand issues.. Select one: ((Threats))
The Brompton bicycle case study showed that, Brompton, have been facing competition from many other bike manufacturers. ((Threats))
The Brompton Bicycle case study showed that, Brompton, have been facing seasonal demand issues.Select one: ((Threats))
The Brompton bicycle case study showed that, the market, has been growing 20% to 25% a year and they haven’t been growing at the same rate.. ((Weaknesses))
The Brompton bicycle case study showed that, there is growth potential in a rapidly expanding global market ((Opportunities))
The Brompton Bicycle study showed that, there is growth potential in a rapidly expanding global market. This will be considered as ((Opportunities))
The Causes of the problem in the above case study are? ((There is a shortage of motorcycle delivery riders.))
The Causes of the problem in the above case study are? Select one: ((A very slow service and high price. South-Africans like their coffee made of fullfat milk and do not believe in adding a little creamer.))
The Causes of the problem in the above case study are? Select one: ((There are few vans and or drivers they are not able to meet the demand always.))
The Causes of the problem in the above case study are? Select one: ((There is a shortage of motorcycle delivery riders.))
The Fact Face case study shows that, there was little sales training for staff ((Weaknesses))
The Fat Face case study showed that, Fat Face Limited was foundation in 1988 by Tim Slade and Jules Leaver, the company has grown to over 200 stores. ((Strengths))
The Fat Face case study showed that, Fat Face Limited was founded in 1988 by Tim Slade and Jules Leaver, the company has grown to over 200 stores. ((Strengths))
The Fat Face case study showed that, the middle market prices can be undercut by high street stores. ((Threats))
The Fat Face case study showed that, there was an increase interest in online presences: ((Opportunities))
The Fat Face case study showed that, there was little sales training for staff. This will be considered as: ((Weakness))
The follows can be examples on language for proposing Solutions: ((It might/may/could be beneficial/better/effective/profitable, etc.))
The key concepts and frameworks which enable analyzing a case study Select one: ((Select key information and organize your thinking in addition to understand the business context and make recommendations))
The Lodge Bistro chain case study showed that, in 2010, Joyce Lodge retired. Her daughter, Miss Patricia Lodge committed as the chief executive officer of the Lodge chain. ((Strengths))
The Lodge Bistro chain case study showed that, Joyce Lodge opened her first café in 1989. Moreover, in early 2000s, the business grew into a twenty-five restaurants across England: ((Strengths))
The Lodge Bistro chain case study showed that, Patricia, the chief executive officer of Lodge Bistro chain, became increasingly concerned about the effects of the lack of communication between managers. ((Weaknesses))
The Lodge Bistro chain case study showed that, the Lodge Bistro chain business, improve their brand. ((Opportunities))
The Lodge Bistro chain case study showed that, the Lodge Bistro chain business, remained reasonably successful but experienced Poor location issues ((Threats))
The Lodge Bistro chain study show that, the Lodge Bistro chain business, improve their brand. ((Strengths))
The Lodge Bistro chain study show that,the Lodge Bistro chain business, remained reasonably successful but experienced Poor location issues. ((Threats))
The Logo Bistro chain case study show that, in 2010, Joyce Lodge retired. Her daughter, Miss Patricia Lodge committed as the chief executive officer of the Lodge chain. ((Opportunities))
The Logo Bistro chain case study show that, in 2010, Joyce Lodge retired. Her daughter, Miss Patricia Lodge committed as the chief executive officer of theLodge chain. ((Threats))
The Logo Bistro chain case study show that, Joyce Lodge opened her first café in 1989. Moreover, in early 2000s, the business grew into twentyfive restaurants across England. ((Strengths))
The Logo Bistro chain case study show that, the Logo Bistro chain business, remained reasonably successful but experienced poor location issues. ((Threats))
The Logo Bistro chain case study shows that, Patricia, the chief executive officer of Lodge Bistro chain, became increasingly concerned about the effect of the Lack of communication between manager. ((Weaknesses))
The main body of the report: analysis and financial data, should be listed in which following section? ((In the findings section))
The method in Report structure means: ((How the information was collected.))
The organization must/should/has to/needs to " you can use it if you want to provide: ((Recommendations))
The paragraph that contains what is the company should change or start: ((Recommendations.))
The Problem in the above case study is? Select one: ((They have not been successful to reach south Africa market.))
The problem in the above case study is? Select one: ((Customers have to wait too long for a Super to arrive or are simply unavailable.))
The problem in the above case study is? Select one: ((The orders are often cold by the time they are delivered.))
The problem is: ((A negative situation threatening an individual, group or organization))
The purpose of Referencing is : ((Allow others to check sources and their validity and authenticity.))
The purpose of the citations is: ((. Helps the reader to find the source easily.))
The purpose of the conclusion is: ((It summarizes the key claims made in the report))
The purpose of the introduction is: ((It gives a brief context to the report and the company))
The starting Situation in the above case study is ((Starbucks had hopes of opening many stores in many sites in south Africa.))
The starting Situation in the above case study is? ((Super Wash comes to the doorstep of the customers with all accessories in vans.))
The starting Situation in the above case study is? ((Lowell company, is expanding rapidly.))
The threat of redundancy is causing great anxiety among unskilled workers in a distribution warehouse The word that does not describe problem situation is: ((Distribution warehouse))
This technique involves stating ideas from the original source in your own words, it gives same meaning and change structure of the sentence: ((Paraphrasing.))
To convince your reader with a claim, your argument should contain…... ((Evidence and Explanation))
To have effective delivery of a presentation you should not: ((Reed from the slides))
To persuade the reader with the claim, you need a sport for it: ((Explanation and Evidence.))
To present the reader with the claim, you need a support for it: ((all the answers are true))
To use evidence, you need data from research and other sourcesin the business world. Evidence can include facts, figures and reports ((True.))
Using -------------- is useful for making good notes. ((Abstact Nouns))
Using key concepts or a framework from a business context to examine a situation is called: ((Framing the case))
We have to avoid plagiarism by: ((Paraphrasing and summarizing the information from different sources, and referencing those sources accurately including in-text citation and referencing list.))
What are the Problem-signaling words and phrases? ((Shortage of motorcycle delivery riders))
What are the solution and evaluation? ((Tim & Sons will recruit more motorcycle delivery riders))
What is a SWOT analysis Select one: ((This acronym stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and it is a tool often used in business))
What is an argument? ((A claim that is justified and supported in a variety of ways, such as))
What is the Cause? ((Sam & Young delivery team they are NOt able to meet the demand always))
What is the Effect? ((Customers sometimes complain they have to wait too long for Sam & Young drivers to arrive or are simply unavailable.))
what is the situation? Select one: ((Tim & Sons, a bread delivery company, is expanding rapidly))
What solution is proposed? ((Lowell will recruit more motorcycle delivery riders.))
What solution is proposed? Select one: ((Making coffee with milk, lowering the price and increasing the speed of theservice.))
What solution is proposed? Select one: ((Lowell will recruit more motorcycle delivery riders.))
What we propose leads to … ((Solution))
When a student use theories and frameworks such as Maslow’s theory of psychological needs and external business environment that is an example of: ((Explanation))
When one effect may have several causes or one cause may have several effects, we call this relationship as: ((Multi-Causality))
Which of the following example is showing the linking word that indicates to sequence of events or ideas. ((When it trains then snows))
Which of the following linking words indicate to cause and effect: ((In order to, as a result, consequently.))
Which of the following linking words indicate to cause and effect? ((Therefore, because.))
Which of the following pattern represents this example: the meal is often cold by the time they are delivered, and customers complain about this. ((Restaurant Situation))
Which of the following pattern represents this example: the meal is often could by the time they are delivered, and customers complain about this. ((Restaurant Problem))
Which of the following reason is not important for listing references… ((To demonstrate your wide reading))
Which of the following sentence is an example of claim (1) Heather was satisfied before Renata took over as supervisor. (2) This can be explained by using Maslow’s theory (1943) based on psychological needs. (3) She had good working conditions with a regular income: she seemed to have had job security: a good relationship with all levels of staff within the branch, socializing with them at Christmas meals and a small party for Jenny’s retirement. ((Sentence 1))
Which type of linking word is However? ((Comparison))
Which type of linking word is moreover? ((Addition))
While preparing a Power Points Presentations and when you have a lot of information: ((You should use handouts or papers with detailed information))
Why is the problem ((Cause))
You might perceive a situation as a problem while someone else might be quite satisfiedwith the same situation. Select one: ((True.))
Sketches or diagrams are: ((Methods of making notes))
The beginning of the case study is important as it sets the scene. ((True))
______________ are things that you feel or think about. ((Abstract nouns))
Business presentations rarely include some evidence like figures or graphs. ((False))
Business presentations usually include: ((Some evidence like figures or graphs))
To have effective delivery of a presentation you should NOT use ((No need to monitor audience and time))
The ______________ develops the main points by examples and more details. ((Low level generalization))
To have effective delivery of a presentation you should NOT: ((monitor audience and time))
_____________ means looking back at something you have done or experienced. ((Reflection))