
اكتب رقم الواتس ليصلك رابط القروب


نظام التست بانك لحل الكويزات

حل كويز1 يتوفر للجميع مجانا - حل كويز2 يتوفر للمشتركين فقط

يرجى مشاهدة الفيديو قبل الحل , كل طالب مسؤول عن كويزاته

السؤال سيظهر هنا , والجواب سيكون بين قوسين
Accordion theory suggests that retail institutions go from outlets with specialized merchandises to wide assortment and stops.((True))
The retail sector plays a key role in developed economies.((True))
Retailers do not perform traditional business activities.((False))
Climate change, pollution control, energy conservation, environmentally friendly ingredients and internal strategy are the main environmental factors affecting a retailer.((True))
A candy store specializes in selling a wide variety of candy. It even sells brands that are hard to get elsewhere. This is an example of an activity performed by retailers to _____________((create value))
Why is it imperative that manufacturers like HP and Procter and Gamble understand the operations of retailers?((To encourage retailers to offer and promote their products))
In Retail Sector, Customers, Competitors, Suppliers & Distributors together form the Macro Environment for that Business.((False))
The marketing environment consists of actor & forces that affect a company’s capability to operate effectively in providing products & services to its customers((True))
__________ describes the voluntary actions taken by a company to address the ethical, social, and environmental impacts of its business operations and the concerns of its stakeholders.((Corporate social responsibility))
The cash registers & laser scanners that can read a universal product code are known as____((Electronic point-of-sale (EPOS) system))
The differences between service and product are listed below EXCEPT of((Flexibility))
There are four main types of _____________ required to be a successful retail manager which are verbal and oral, written visual and non-verbal((Communication))
Transaction costs are costs incurred after selling the products and providing services to the government((False))
Aspects of visual merchandising that have most influence on consumers’ purchasing intentions are limited to color and presentation style((False))
Which of the following is NOT an example of political risk?((Interest rates))
The competition between the same type of retailers is called ______________.((intertype competition))
Individuals delivering services always perform in exactly the same way((False))
Different Products vary in _______________((Value & price))
Personalized services are services that are tailored to unique needs of each individual customer((True))
Shopping represents a basic form of consumer behavior, and retailers act as a mirror reflecting the multitude of consumer needs and desires.((True))
_____________ is based on the idea that individuals avoid work and without intervention by management the workforce resists, so managers need to persuade staff, reward, even punish them((Theory X))
Retailers are a key component in a supply chain that links manufacturers to consumers.((True))
Most effective way of measuring productivity is to calculate ratios of resource to results((True))
If a fall in price were anticipated, consumers might stockpile products to avoid the impact of lower prices((False))
There are three elements under ____________ forces which are demographics, culture and consumerism((Social/cultural))
Retailing offers entrepreneurial opportunities((True))
Culture sets the rules by which a society operates & applies to all of the members of the given society((True))
Demographic forces concern changes in products in terms of size & characteristics((False))
Which of the following businesses would NOT be considered a retailer?((Procter and Gamble))
There is an implicit, unwritten understanding between the employer and the employee that both parties have of each other through the ______________((Psychological contract))
Appraisal system is the process used to assess employees’ performance against selected criteria, including, job satisfaction, personal development & work-related performance((True))
Shrinkage increases retail costs & encourages sales((False))
A _____________ is a business that sells products and/or services to consumers for their personal or family use.((retailer))
The wheel of retailing theory states that new types of retailers begin as low-margin, low-price, and low-status operations but later evolve into higher-priced, higher-service operations, eventually become like the conventional retailers they replaced.((True))
Store manager’s performance is measured on ____________ skills((Trading & management skills))
Drycleaners, hair salons, and auto repair businesses are considered retailers.((True))
Which of the following terms refers to the competition between the same types of retailers?((Intertype competition))
Intermediaries are retailers which act as “middlemen” bringing Products produced in bulk by manufacturers to market so that consumers can buy smaller quantities((True))
Convenience store is a local store selling a limited variety of products open for longer hours than other retailers((True))
What is retailing?((It deals with the sale of products meant for personal use.))
Different implications of selling different Products are:((a & c [ products vary in volume + in value and price]))
The following are examples of Economic Factors except:((Trade restrictions and tariffs))
___________ is a set of characteristics that identify socially acceptable patterns of behavior and social relationships within a given social group((Culture))
The key skills a manager needs to communicate effectively are((All of the above))
The marketing environment consists of actors & forces that affect a company’s to operate effectively in providing products & services to its customers((True))
Retailer is the only type of business to ‘break bulk’((False))
Retailers are involved in CSR initiatives through____________((all above))
What is a retailer’s role in the supply chain?((Linking manufacturers to consumers))
A retailer’s primary competitors are other retailers that:((use the same type of store format.))
____________ form a part of microenvironment that influences retail management decisions.((Competitors))
Goods pass from manufacturer to the retailer then to wholesaler((False))
Competitive advantage is the achievement of superior performance. To be a success a business can create a performance differential by being;. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
A buying center may contain five people performing a number of roles. The role of the buyer is: ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
…………… provides a framework for a systematic examination of a business’s marketing environment. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
What is the first stage in marketing planning process ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Fishbein and Ajzen model suggests that an attitude towards a brand is based upon a set of beliefs about brand’s attributes. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the consumer decision-making process the second step refers to:((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The model of the marketing planning process is useful as it provides a clearly defined path from the vision of what a business might be to the actual implementation. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In a High-involvement situation the consumer is not seeking info but is a passive receiver. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Clear focus on specialist niche market is one of the …………of SWOT analysis. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Today retailers are brands themselves rather than distributors of manufacturer brands. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
............is useful for collecting information about customer buying habits through loyalty cards.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
.…………is the process by which companies distinguish their product offerings from competition. By developing a distinctive name, packaging & design, a brand is created. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
………….. provides a framework for a systematic examination of a business’s marketing environment. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
…………..are non branding merchandise sold in plain packaging with low price positioning ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
6 In the Marketing orientation companies focus on production methods before customer. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
According to Blackwell et all. 2005). One of the roles performed in a buying center is the……… ,((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Brand equity is the core product augmented by additional distinctive features which add values & deliver specific benefits its to its users. ? ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Clear focus on specialist niche market is one of the……………of SWOT analysis.((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Competitive advantage is the achievement of superior performance. To be a success a business can create a performance differential by being:((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Fishbein and Ajzen model suggests that an attitude towards a brand is based upon a set of beliefs about brand’s attributes. ? ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In …………….problem solving the consumer requires a great product information and makes a detailed examination of alternatives ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In a High-involvement situation the consumer is not seeking info but is a passive receiver. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
In the marketing orientation Companies focus on production methods before customer. ? ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Market penetration means: ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Market penetration takes existing products in existing markets((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Marketing audit is a process of constant information gathering which serves in achieving the SWOT analysis. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Marketing is more than advertising, promotion & sales people ? ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Production oriented companies get close to their customers so that they understand their needs and problems. ? ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Survival and safety are considered……………type of motivation. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
SWOT analysis consists of all of the following elements except: ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The consumer of the product ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The following questions are the fundamental questions which form the starting point for the planning process EXCEPT; ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The model of the marketing planning process is useful as it provides clearly defined path from the vision of what a business might be to the actual implementation. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The personal influences affecting the consumer behavior are the following EXCEPT; ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The possible attribute which affect store choice include the value for money, a convenient location, an ease of parking and low prices. ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Three types of buying situations can be identified, 1) Extended problem solving, 2) Limited problem solving and: ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Today retailers are brands themselves rather than distributors of manufacturer brands. ? ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which of the following is not a role in a consumer buying center? ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which of the following is not a role in a role in a consumer buying center? ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which of the following stages are included in marketing planning process? ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which of the following stages are included in the marketing planning process ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which of the following stages are included in the marketing planning process? ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which of the following statement is correct?((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
Which one of the four statements below is correct? ((جواب هذا السؤال متوفر للمشتركين فقط لأن حل أسئلة كويز2 تتوفر للمشتركين فقط))
The set of business activities that add value to goods and services sold to the end consumer is referred to as ((retailing))
What is a retailer’s role in the supply chain? ((linking manufacturers to consumers))
What disciple do students view retailing as being a part of? ((marketing))
Political /legal forces influence retail management decisions by determining rules & responsibilities. ((True))
Retailers aim to make a profit by buying products in bulk & selling them in smaller quantities to individuals. ((True))
Disadvantage to buying online: ((Returning products that do not meet your needs,))
Micro-environment: Actors in retailer's immediate environment that can affect business performance. ((True))
Low-involvement shopping: Routine -shopping can be efficient. Always go to same store in which they find all needs. Becoming familiar with layout so quickly ((True))
Managers role: organizing HR (staff) & physical aspects of the store (such as stock) in effective ways to meet strategic & tactical objectives. ((True))
Theory Y: individuals avoid work & without intervention by management, workforce resist. Managers persuade staff, reward, even punished ((False))